{Audrey} Stupid Name

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"Come with us to see that dude," Kurt said as we walked out of glee. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"That dude? Which one? Smythe? Karofsky?" I asked, looking uninterested. He groaned.

"Sebastian Smythe," he said, clearly not liking him so much. Don't get me wrong, he was an ass.

But he was a hot ass.



At the Lima Bean, we were all sitting at a table. Sebastian was smirking, as per usual, and Blaine was shuffling uncomfortably.

Being the good friend I am, I said, "Hey, Blaine, let's go get the coffees." He smiled and nodded. We walked towards the bar, but I strayed behind a little. Kurt and Sebastian started talking.

"I'll be right back," I said to Blaine, walking back over to the table.

"I don't like you," Kurt said, crossing his arms. Jealousy always got the best of him.

"Fun," Sebastian said, "I don't like you either." He was really asking for that one.

"Leave Blaine alone," Kurt added. I rolled my eyes. He was in for it.

"Let's get a few things straight," Sebastian said, a wicked look in his eyes, "Blaine's too good for you, New Directions is a joke, and one of us has a hard luck case of the gay face and it ain't me. Odds are, by then end of the school year, I'll have Audrey and a regionals trophy while you have khakis, a Lima Bean apron, and that gay face."

Bitch, you can make fun of me all day long, but don't you dare make fun of Kurt. Much less, Kurt being gay.

I came up to Smythe and took his tie in my hand, dragging him out of the coffee shop.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," he kept saying. I shoved him into the wall.

"Don't you dare say that about him," I growled, my face growing red.

He looked honestly terrified. "Say what?" he asked.

I held him against the wall. "You know what you said, Smythe. You can make fun of me all day. You can hurt me all you want, but you leave Kurt and the way he lives out of it."

"Fine, fine!" he yelled, trying to get me off of him. I wasn't done.

"And if we're telling things about each other, then I'd say that you have serious Daddy issues and some problems that you've yet to face. And speaking of faces, you look fucking twelve, so don't step to me."

"Don't you say anything about my father," he defended, lightly shoving me off of him.

That's when I knew I'd taken it a bit too far. I'd struck a nerve with him. Sure, he'd said some things to Kurt that hurt him, but if he was without a dad, that was even worse.

"Takes one to know one, Smythe. Remember that," I said, walking back to where Blaine was standing.

"I might have done a thing," I said, taking the drinks from him. He looked at me oddly, but shrugged.


Sebastian came back in, his cheeks with dried tears on them. They weren't very visible, but they were there in the right light.


"So I was thinking," he said, "let's go drinking." I don't want to ruin things for them... "What do you think, Audrey?"

I looked up with big eyes. "Sure," I blurted out, feeling extremely bad for the guy.

I took it way too far. Extremely too far.

"Sure," Blaine and Kurt said. I sighed and slumped down in my seat, drinking my hot cocoa.


When I was at home, I just looked in the mirror and thought about myself for a minute.

Audreyanna Alexis Hummel.

Aged 16.

Colossal bitch at the moment.

Weird and stupid name queen.

My phone vibrated in my hand.

Warbler Trent- okay so i love you and everything drey. but what did you do to sebastian?

Audrey- it was an accident i swear.

Warbler Trent- what. did. you. do.

Audrey- i might have told him he had daddy issues...i swear i didn't know that would strike a nerve.

Warbler Trent- AUDREY!!!

Audrey- SORRY! it takes one to know one. i told him that.

Warbler Trent- it's most definitely not the same with you two. not at all.

Audrey- i'll fix it tomorrow. we're going to scandals.

Warbler Trent- he's lying in bed and won't talk to anyone.

Audrey- i'll be at dalton in fifteen.

Warbler Trent- please.

Here we go.

I drove to Dalton Academy pretty fast. I needed to fix what I did.

I threw three rocks at Trent's window. He opened it. I jumped up and sat my elbows on the windowsill.

"Am I going to hit anything if I land right here?" I asked. He shook his head. I jumped in and sat down on the floor. On the second bed, there was just a figure, covered up by a comforter.

"I'll go get all the rest of the guys," Trent said, walking out and locking the door.

I pulled the covers off of him. Sebastian gave me a dirty look.

"I crossed a line," I said, looking him in the eye.

He sat up and still looked at me. "No shit, Sherlock."

"I don't know what you went through, I don't need to know. If it's anything like what I did, I'm extremely sorry. Don't get me wrong, I'm still pissed as hell at you. You had no right to say that about my brother, but I know that I shouldn't have said that."

He didn't look at me in the eye. Really, he was doing everything to avoid looking me in the eye. "My dad's in jail," he mumbled after a minute.

I swallowed whatever sarcastic thing I'd had in mind, then looked away from him. "My mom's gone."

"So's mine," he said, still looking at his feet. I saw a picture over his bed. A guy that looked exactly like him was standing beside him and a girl beside him.

"You have a twin?" I asked, trying to get rid of the tension. He gave a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah. Barry." I nodded. "Giant nerd."

I grinned. "I have a cousin like that. Cisco. He is all about everything science."

"Him and my brother would get along. Barry is a science geek. Two left feet, nerdiness, and he's in love with his best friend." I shook my head.

"I did that. The whole, best friend-crush thing. It didn't work out."

"My longest relationship was 20 minutes long. A girl I met back in Central. Felicity Smoak." That name sounded familiar, but I wasn't going to ask.

"10 months was mine. Hunter Clarington." He nodded and smiled.

"Okay, I'm just going to say it. I really don't like Kurt." Well, that was blunt.

I sighed. "You don't have to. Sometimes, I don't like him. Just don't you do anything to him and Blaine. If you do, I promise you that I won't apologize for beating your ass."

He quietly chuckled. "I never tried to break them up. No promises that I won't do anything to your little group of misfits." I shrugged.

"Of course. No promises that I won't do anything to you."

His phone started ringing and I took it as a sign to get out. Get out before I either became this kid's friend or I beat him up.

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