{Third Person} Cemetery

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Age 15

It was a normal day for Audrey.

At least, it was normal at the beginning.

She awoke, got dressed, ate breakfast at the table.

"Kurt, Audrey," her dad said. They both looked up from their bowls of cereal. "You two know that we're going down to Central today....but we're gonna see your mom too."

Kurt nodded and resumed eating, but Audrey just dropped her spoon into the milk. She wasn't ready. After 9 years of pushing this to the back of her mind, she still wasn't ready for it to resurface.

"I'm not ready," she said, standing up. Audrey was at an impressive height for her age, towering over her brother and being about an inch above her father. "I'm not ready to do this."

Burt looked at his daughter with sadness in his eyes. She was never ready. Kurt had always had the mindset that she's better there. Audrey thought differently. It was too hard for her to see the stone. To remind her that her beloved mother is gone.

"Audrey, you have to. It's time." She had a set jaw and her eyes were set on her father's.

"No, I don't. I don't have to now and I don't have to later. I can do it when I'm ready." Her brother was quickly getting frustrated with his sister's denial. He always thought that she should accept it.

Kurt looked at her, tired of her pushing this under the rug. "Audrey. No, it's not about you being ready. It's about you accepting that she's gone. She's gone, Audrey!"

Audrey squinted her eyes in anger at her older brother. He was supposed to be on her side. "I'm. Not. Going."

"Yes you are," Burt said, taking her bowl, "and that's final, Audreyanna. Go get your things and give this a rest."

She scoffed and stormed up to her room, getting her suitcases.


Sebastian and Barry were in the park. Barry was reading a book about chemistry under a tree, while Sebastian was scanning the park for a distraction for what was bound to happen later.

"Barry," he said, getting his brother's attention. "I don't think there's any getting out of this." Barry put down the book and had a blank expression on his face.

"I don't want to think about it yet, Bas," he said. "I don't want to think about that day."

4 Years Ago

"Goodnight my beautiful boys," Nora said, kissing each one of her sons on the head, then walking out of their shared room.

"You're not scared, are you, Barry?" Sebastian asked his brother.

Barry peeked out from under all of his covers. "A little," he responded. Sebastian sat up in his bed.

"Nothing's gonna get us," he assured his brother. "I promise." Barry nodded. Sebastian laid back down, his eyelids growing heavy.

"Goodnight, Bear."

"Night, Bas."

Later that night, when the boys were asleep, a loud crash awoke them. The water in their fish tank was seemingly floating in midair. Sebastian bolted out of his bed and ran downstairs, followed by his brother.

"Bas, what is that?" Barry asked, almost hysterically.

Sebastian just kept running downstairs to where his father stood. His mother was in their living room, surrounded by a yellow blur.

"Mom!" both of the boys yelled. A man was in the yellow blur. Henry put his arm out, pushing his boys back.

"Stay back!" he yelled. "Nora!"

"Henry!" she yelled through tears. "Take care of Barry and Sebastian. I love you!"

"I love you too," they all yelled.

In the blink of an eye, Sebastian and Barry were a block away, out of the house.

"Mom!" Barry yelled, running towards the sirens. Sebastian followed him.

The boys, both too scared to look in the house, saw their father being handcuffed and put into a police car.

"I love you both so much," he said tearfully before being put in the car.

Paramedics wheeled a gurney out of their house, covered in a black tarp.

Sebastian and Barry dropped to their knees, holding each other for support.

The twins were in shock. They couldn't cry. They couldn't talk. They couldn't do anything.

Detective Joe West walked over to them, wrapping them in a blanket. "Come on," he gently said, "let's go." He had to almost carry them to his car, but he was determined. These boys needed all the love they could get.

He brought the boys to his home, where his daughter, Iris, was sitting on the stairs. Sebastian and Barry just sat on the couch.

"They need all the love they can get, Iris," he explained. Iris just nodded and sat on the couch with the twins.


That day, Audrey finally faced her denial and grief and visited her mother's grave. Sebastian and Barry visited their mother's grave, holding each other for support, just like when they were eleven.

"Don't ever leave me," Audrey said to Burt and Kurt. They both nodded and hugged her.

"Don't ever leave me," Barry said to Sebastian. He nodded and hugged his brother, letting all of his emotions out.

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