{Barry} Brother

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"OhmygahBarryshesaidyes," Sebastian screamed through the phone. Iris laughed beside me.

"I mean you stayed the night at her house and you two kissed. I think she had reasons to say yes," I said.

"Shut up Bartholomew. I really like her. A lot." I grinned.

Iris took the phone from my hands. "Okay, Seb, we have two weeks before Thanksgiving Break. How long do you have?"

"Two weeks," he said, sighing, "but Audrey has three. So."

"She's got you whipped and you've barely been dating two days," I said, looked at Iris with a smile on my face. I was really happy to see my brother happy, finally. I don't think he'd been that happy since before Mom died.

"If you were me, Bare, you would too. Have you seen her Instagram? She's a fucking model." I rolled my eyes.

"I haven't seen it, thank you very much, Sebastian. Also when's that competition thing for your singing thing?" I asked. I heard him laugh.

"It's called regionals. And it's in...holy shit that's in a week. Shit!" he exclaimed.

"On Saturday," he finished, "yeah, it's on Saturday. Are you guys gonna come?" He sounded so hopeful.

"We're getting there on Friday night. Yes," Iris said.

"Will we get to meet this model of yours?" I asked. He squealed in the least manly way possible.

"Yeah! Wait. Not in front of New Directions. They hate me."

"How do they hate you? You're like the nicest person ever," Iris said, shocked.

Sebastian sighed heavily. "I might have tried to throw a slushie at Gay Face and I was gonna blackmail Nosy Berry into dropping out of regionals with pictures of Frankenteen. I also might have almost gotten my ass kicked by Satana." "

I just looked at my best friend, shocked at what we'd just been told. "The hell? Also I have no idea what those names are," I said.

Sebastian just sighed again. "Gay Face is Kurt Hummel, Nosy Berry is Rachel Berry, Frankenteen is Finn Hudson, and Satana is Santana. My nicknames are a little worse, in my opinion."

"We are going to have a stern talk when I get to Ohio," Iris yelled through the phone.

"I wanna hear these said nicknames," I said, earning a slap on the back of my head from Iris.

"Andrew McCarthy, Fievel, Twink, That Little Bitchlet, Nick-At-Night, and apparently the Criminal Chipmunk. Don't even ask me what a bitchlet is, it's just what Santana called me one time." I looked at the door and saw Joe standing there, a confused look on his face.

"Do I even want to know?" he asked, rubbing the top of his head. I shook my head.

"Not likely." Joe nodded and walked away, closing the door behind him.

"Joe heard me say bitchlet, didn't he?" Sebastian asked.

"Yep," Iris said, smiling at me.

"Thad wants me for something. I'll talk to you guys later."

"Bye, Bas," I said.

"Bye Bare. Bye Iris," he said, extending the 's' on Iris. She rolled her eyes.

"Bye bitchlet."

I hung up the phone and looked at her.

"He's in for it, isn't he?" I asked. She just nodded. I got up off of her bed and walked out.

"He doesn't even know that we're already out for Thanksgiving. He's gonna be so excited when he's surprised," I yelled. She squealed.

Oh, Iris.

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