{Audrey} Date (Part 2)

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Sebastian took me to a fancy, fancy restaurant in Westerville. It was the type of place that costed a small fortune to sit down.

"You're so beautiful," he mumbled, staring at me while we were eating. I crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out.

"Not anymore," I said, grinning.

Just being around him made me happy. His killer smile. The way he had to squint when he smiled because it was just that big.

He was screwing around with my mind.


After dinner, we went to the park. I instantly recognized it as the one that my father took Kurt and I to as children.

"My dad took me and Kurt here as kids," I said, sitting in the small swings. Sebastian sat in the one next to me. I gently pushed myself with my feet.

"Joe tried to teach me how to fight in a park in Central City. Long story short, it didn't work." I laughed.

"Emphasis on tried," I said. "This is where I would sneak out to when I was like ten. If me and Kurt got in a fight or I was upset, you could find me here." I remembered all of those starry nights by the duck pond. All of those nights, picking out a star that was my mother. It would always be the brightest. The one that seemed like the stars were circling around it. The one that seemed like the center of the universe.

Sebastian looked at me with a caring look in his eyes. "What did you do here?"

I sighed gently, putting my head on his shoulder. "Looked at the stars. Thought about Mom. I just wanted to get away from everything." He nodded and put an arm around my shoulders. I just nuzzled my head farther into his shoulder. I felt safe.

"I did that a lot. When I was missing my mom a lot, I used to sneak out with Barry and Iris behind Joe's back. we went all over the city. Just walking." I nodded. It was nice, how we were.

I grinned, looking at his brilliant eyes. "You're really amazing, you know that?" I asked him, making his cheeks tint a crimson red.

"You're really adorable," he said, putting his forehead on mine. I connected my lips to his, not hesitating a bit.

"And you're a really good kisser," I mumbled against his lips. He just grinned into it.

"Shut up and kiss me," he said.

I rolled my eyes playfully and kissed him yet again.


When I finally checked my watch, it was nearing 1 AM. We were laying down in the grass now, my head on his shoulders and my arms wrapped around his neck. He was holding my waist, keeping me close to him.

"What time is it?" he sleepily asked.

"Almost one in the morning. It's okay." He nodded and closed his eyes again. He looked just like he did when he first stayed at my house. Peaceful and beautiful.

"I had so much fun," he mumbled, putting his face in my hair. I grinned.

"Me too. It was a perfect date." He nodded and I heard his breathing start to slow. I shook him lightly.

"We need to get home. You know what tomorrow is." That's what made him shoot up like a rocket.

He looked panicky. "I totally forgot about that." I kissed him, just to make him be quiet.

"Shh," I said, pulling away, "I'll bring you a Five Hour Energy. Let's just get home." He nodded and took my hand in his, helping me up. We walked to his car, enjoying each other's presence.


He stopped about ten yards away from my house. No one could see us from inside or outside.

"Thank you," I said, coming closer to him. "For tonight."

He smiled and kissed me. "I wouldn't dream of it being any less," he said as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Good luck, babe," I said, opening the door. He grinned.

"Good luck."

I tiptoed inside, only to find Finn sitting on the couch, looking straight at me.


"Where you been?" he asked, standing up.

I looked down at the shoes I was wearing. Iris's. "On a date."

"With who?" Finn asked curiously.

"None of your business. We need sleep. Regionals tomorrow, remember?" He rolled his eyes and ruffled my already messy hair.

"Yep. Night, Addie."

"Night, Finny," I replied, smiling. We each walked to our separate rooms.

I fell back on my bed, thinking of the first time that Finn called me Addie.

Age 9

I was sitting on the swings at the Lima park. Kurt was running around with Dad, laughing and smiling. There I sat, all to myself. No children walked up to me or attempted to talk to me. They probably thought I was weird.

I was looking down, about to cry, when I saw a pair of feet in front of me. There was a boy standing there. He had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall, like me.

"Do you have anyone to play with?" he asked. I shook my head, still sitting in that swing. He held out his hand. "I'll play with you. My name's Finn. Finn Hudson."

I smiled, taking his hand and standing up. "Audreyanna Hummel. But everyone calls me Audrey."

He smiled and let go of my hand, knowing that I was going to follow him. We walked to the playhouse.

"Can I call you Addie? Audrey's a long name." I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah. As long as I can call you Finny."

"Works for me," he said with a smile, then showed me how to play with his toys.


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