{Sebastian} Glease (Part 2)

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Being a warbler used to be the most fun thing I did in Ohio. Well, it was when I was captain and it was enjoyable. Now, it's just my last class of the day that I dread going to. 

"Shot day," Nick whispered to me as we were eating lunch. Hunter had yet to appear all day, and we were a little on edge. "Are you sure that you can't take me with you to McKinley?"

I laughed a little at him. "Come with me, I don't care. They're just practicing for Grease...oh God, that's tonight." I laid my head in the palm of my hand, sighing. Jeff sat down in front of me, seeming uneasy. "What's up, man?" I asked, pushing my plate away from me. 

"Hunter has steroids, obviously, but he's also got a plan," Jeff admitted, frowning. "He's going to take the New Directions' nationals trophy and use it as bait for Blaine."

I threw my head back, groaning loudly. The cafeteria quieted down, looking in my direction. I looked at them. "What?" I asked, making most of them look away. 

Jeff shook his head, his lips forming a straight line. "Hunter is destroying the Warblers, and all we can do is sit back and watch it happen," he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Nick put a comforting hand on his back. 

"It's not going to be that long until it's over," I declared, a stern look on my face, slowly standing. "I'll see you guys tonight, I gotta run."

They all waved as I took my bag and plate and left the cafeteria. Hunter was getting annoying, and I was determined to put an end to it. 


"You're early," Audrey said with a smile as I spotted her in the hallway. I nodded, sighing. "Is something wrong?" she asked, her face morphing into concern. 

I shrugged, walking alongside her. "Hunter is doing stuff. It's no big deal, I don't know why I can't get over it," I admitted, avoiding her gaze. 

Audrey stopped abruptly, making me stop with her. "Explain yourself," she demanded, raising her eyebrows. 

"He is going to take your Nationals trophy and use it as bait to get Blaine back." 

Audrey rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Take him, I don't care." She began walking again, leaving me behind. 

I jogged up to her, furrowing my brows. "Um, what do you mean?" I asked, confused. 

"He cheated on Kurt," she said, pursing her lips. "I couldn't care less of what happens to him at this point." 

We stepped into the choir room as I stopped, shocked. "He did what?" I asked, quite a bit louder than I meant to. 

Tina and the dude with dreadlocks that I didn't know looked at me. Audrey turned to them, shaking her head. "He's shook." 

"I can tell," the dude with dreads said, smiling. I just turned away from them and walked over to Audrey. 

We sat down and I looked at her. "What do you mean, he cheated on him?" I asked, my mouth slightly open. 

She crossed her legs. "He met a dude on FaceBook and fucked him. Nothing more, nothing less." She was so calm, it worried me. 

"You're planning something, aren't you?" I asked, seeing her smile peek on her lips. She shrugged, not giving me an answer. I sunk back in my seat. "Of course you are," I mumbled, hearing the bell ring throughout the school. 

Mr. Shue walked in the room, a huge smile on his face. That seemed to be a recurring thing, that he would always walk in smiling. Some found it inspiring, I found it rather creepy. 

"Grease is tonight!" he exclaimed, the smile on his face never faltering. I nodded, a small smile on my face. "Let's go to the auditorium, Finn is waiting there and so is Santana." 

We all shuffled out of the choir room and either sat in the auditorium, or went backstage. Audrey and I sat in the middle of the auditorium, with me turning to face her. 

"Look," I said, sighing, "I know that you don't like Blaine right now, trust me, I'm not his biggest fan either. But you can't just give him up to Hunter and threaten losing."

Audrey looked away from me, crossing her arms. "You have a point," she mumbled, rolling her eyes. She turned back to me once again. "Do you think that I'm being unfair?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, cocking my head to the side. "What do you mean? With Blaine?" She nodded. "Maybe...you should hear his side of it? I know that he hurt Kurt, but maybe he feels just as bad about it as you feel as angry. If that makes any sense." 

She nodded, her brown hair falling in her face. She brushed it away quickly, showing her slightly worried expression to me. "I'll talk to him. But I know that we can't lose him, and I was just being selfish. Sorry." 

I gently touched her arm, urging her to look at me. "You weren't being selfish, you were hurt. Just go talk to him, and don't try and hit him." She nodded, slowly getting up from her seat and walked towards the stage. 

I was watching Finn correct the new dude, Ryder, as Audrey sat back down. "We talked. I somehow forgave him. All is better." 

I nodded, smirking. "Told you," I bragged, earning a playful smack at the back of my head. I sighed, leaning back in my seat. "Let's just get this musical over with." 


"Okay, guys, you're going to do amazing," Audrey encouraged, brushing the front of her black skirt down. "Don't worry, you got this. And if you feel like getting nervous, find me, and hopefully that will calm you down. If it doesn't, sorry. You're on." 

They all turned towards the stage and a few went on. Audrey grabbed my hand and led me towards our seats. I had my Dalton uniform on, since I knew that Hunter might make an appearance. I peeked my head out of the curtain, seeing a sea of Dalton blazers. I dropped Audrey's hand as my heart began beating faster. 

I took her shoulders in my hands, turning her around to face me. "Hunter's here," I breathed, hearing the curtains rise in the background. 

Audrey took my head in her hands and kissed me gently as singing began. "It's okay. Act normal, and don't freak out. I'll meet you after." 

I nodded, sighing. "I'll go. See you later." She waved as I opened the door and made my way to the Warblers. A few of them moved, showing me a seat open...next to Hunter. 

I sat, sighing microscopically as I looked to see Hunter staring at me. "Where were you, Sebastian?" he asked, a snark in his voice. 

"Had to pee," I answered, smirking. "I took a detour and saw backstage. And if that's their lineup for sectionals, we have it won already." 

Hunter smiled, nodding. "Good. Good work, Smythe." I looked to the door and saw Audrey come out, walking confidently so that Hunter could see her. "Is that Audrey Hummel?" he asked, his jaw slacking a little. 

I nodded, rolling my eyes. "A pain in my ass is what she is," I lied, scoffing. "Why? You know her?" He snarled, crossing his legs. 

"I dated her." 

My breathing shallowed, but not noticeably enough that he heard. "I feel bad for you," I whispered, turning back to the stage. Hunter didn't say another word, and I was thankful for it. 

Deceit seemed a little harder now than it did before.

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