{Third Person} Nationals.

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"Mr. Schue!" Tina screamed, flailing around wildly and motioning towards the curly-haired glee coach. 

Will ran into the hotel room, worry splayed all over his face. "What's wrong?" he questioned, looking around. 

In the bed was Mercedes, looking very sickly. Sue, Santana, Audrey, Brittany, Quinn, and Rachel stood around her, doing various things. 

"We all went to Chipotle last night and tried a new soda thing," Santana recalled, "and now Mercedes has food poisoning." 

Sue shook her head, standing straight. "She'll be fine, William," she said, "just needs a little tough love from Sue Sylvester." 

Will walked up to the girls, out of his mind with worry. "Mercedes, will you be able to perform?"

The sick girl nodded slightly, gagging. "Yeah, I'll be totally....I'm gonna puke again." 

Everyone looked away as Mercedes emptied her stomach in a nearby trash can. 

"She's not going to be able to perform," Will sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Um...Audrey?" 

The brunette looked up, her eyebrows scrunching. "Huh? No. My voice is nowhere near Mercedes'. Take Quinn!" 

"No!" Quinn denied, shaking her head. "Nope. Not happening, Mr. Schue." 

Will shook his head and held a hand up. "Audrey, Quinn, Tina. The three of you are going to sub in for Mercedes."

The three girls were silent for a few seconds, before erupting in a fit of arguments. Well, all of the girls except a very happy Tina. Rachel could have sworn she heard a few "f-bombs" fly out of Audrey's mouth. 

"Enough!" Sue shouted, making everyone silent. "You heard the man. Although his brain might be clogged with that hair gel, you are going to perform. Leave me with Mercedes." 

After a few under-the-breath profanities, the trio nodded. "We should practice," Tina suggested, earning half-hearted shrugs from Audrey and Quinn. 

Will sighed heavily and crouched next to Mercedes' bed, frowning slightly. 

"Let's get you better." 


That night, Will sat outside his hotel room. Emma awoke with a start, not feeling a warm spot next to her. She looked around the room, eventually looking outside. 

"What's wrong, sweetie?" she asked Will, sitting next to him. 

The glee director sighed. "I'm just so worried about this competition, Emma. If we don't win, these kids will be so disappointed. Most of them won't have a second chance next year." 

"You don't even know how much it would mean to them if we got this," he continued, "it would boost their confidence and their pride."

With a smile, Emma began to say something to make Will smile as well, but was interrupted. Shannon Beiste ran up to the pair, looking anything but hopeful. 

"I need you to come with me, Will," she begged, her demeanor making Will worried. "It's...ah...urgent." 

Emma shoved her lover's shoulder slightly, urging him to go with the coach. 


When Will and Emma saw the chaos erupting in the hotel room, they were shocked. 

"This choreography is more important than your stupid geography test!" Sam shouted, beginning to lunge and Puck. Will, Rory, and the newest addition, Joe, jumped in front of him. 

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