{Audrey} Goodbye

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At McKinley, there was so much happiness in the air. We'd just become national champions, after all. But, there was still a hint of sadness in the air with us. 

Most of the New Directions were graduating. They were leaving onto bigger and better adventures. Leaving me here, to fend for myself.

I sat in the choir room with everyone else. They were buzzing about their college acceptances and where they were going to. 

"Guys," Rachel said, looking as if she was going to cry, "who remembers 'Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat'?" 

The original glee club members laughed and raised their hands. "Then, let's sing it one more time," she added, motioning for them to get up.

As the original members were singing, Mr. Schue walked in. They ended the song, and took their seats again. Kurt and Blaine scooted over and sat by me, Kurt putting an arm around my shoulders. 

"As much as we argue, I love you," he whispered in my ear as Mr. Schue uncapped a dry erase marker. 

I leaned into his shoulder, smiling. "I love you to bits, Kurt. I'm really gonna miss you." 

'GOODBYE' was written in big letters on the board. "You guys, there's nothing left to do this year." Nice way of putting things, Mr. Schue. "It's time to say goodbye to these upperclassmen. Take your time, think of some songs, and perform them. And here is my song to you seniors." 

He then proceeded to sing a beautiful rendition of 'Forever Young,' and was greeted with applause from all of us. 

Before I could say anything to anyone, my phone buzzed under my butt. A text.

father figure:
U & Kurt come to the auditorium. I got a present

*you **and. alright.

I nudged my brother, showing him the text. "Father says to meet him in the auditorium," I clarified, shoving my phone back into my pocket. 

As the bell rang, we started off towards the auditorium, laughing along the way at some stupid joke I'd told. 

When we sat down, Dad was in front of us. I was the first to speak up, saying, "What is this, Dad?"

He put a hand up with a smile. "It's a little graduation present for Kurt. Addie, I need you up here with me." 

Confused, I got up and stood next to him, prepared to badger him with questions. 

Before I could, he began talking. "Kurt, you've grown so much. I still remember the little boy that had his mother's personality. I held onto you and Drey when the two of you were little. I had the chance back then. And then...your mom passed. It was so hard to raise two kids on your own, you know? It was a struggle...for a long time."

He paused, smiling sadly. "Do you remember when we all got close again?" he asked, grinning at Kurt. 

My brother nodded, wiping a stray tear from his eye. "Yeah. I do." 

"Then," Dad took my hand and backed up, "sit and enjoy this." 

I turned around and saw Brittney and Tina behind us, smiling. Tina pointed to her ring finger and shimmied. 

"Dad..." I mumbled, my mouth open in semi-shock. He just nodded and stood in his position. 

I giggled quietly as the music began, then getting in position myself. 

"If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it!" 

As we were all dancing, including my middle-aged father, I took a moment to look at Kurt. He was in hysterics, crying because he was laughing so hard. 

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