{Rachel} Changed

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Audrey was acting different. She usually was odd, but it was too odd that day.

I went up to her at lunch. "What's up with you?"

She jumped out of her skin. "W-what?" she asked, avoiding eye contact with me. "N-nothing's up with me. What's up with all these questions?"

"I only asked you one question, Audrey. You've been acting different today." Tina came over to us and sat down.

"Yeah you are," Tina said. "I wanna know, too."

Audrey sighed and looked down. "If I tell you, you have to swear to secrecy."

Wow, that's a new one from her. "Sure," I said, just really wanting to know what was up with her.

"Okay," Tina said, shrugging.

"You're not gonna like it,"she said. "But I'm gonna tell you because you guys are my best friends. So I was crying on my porch last night because of what Kurt told me. A story for another time. So I was crying and then he comes up and asks what's wrong and I look up and he's got a giant friggin' bruise on his cheekbone and it was cold last night. So I told him to come in and we just talked and he had a reason to be a douche. And then this morning I kissed Sebastian Smythe."

"YOU WHAT NOW?" I screamed. She sighed and leaned her head back.

"I kissed him. And I really don't regret it."

"AUDREYANNA ALEXIS HUMMEL!" Tina shouted in her ear. Audrey just sat her head on the table.

"I'm not at all sad or mad that I kissed him. I'd do it again a million times. It's what Finn and Kurt and Santana would say," she said, looking down. I felt really bad for her.

"Did you feel some sort of spark?" I asked her. "Did you feel anything when it happened?"

She nodded and smiled. "It was like someone set off a million fireworks in my stomach. My brain was basically fried and I was just using my heart to function. And it was the most amazing feeling."

"You have feelings for him," Tina said, calming down after her little blowout. She nodded.

"It went from me being so mad and hurt from him to me wanting to kiss him in a matter of seconds. I don't know how, but it happened," she said quietly.

"As long as he is good to you," I said, "then I'm fine with it."

Her face brightened up and her expression went from grave to happy.

"I'm fine with it on those terms too," Tina said. Audrey nodded.

"Thank you. I just really needed to let that out. I love y'all," she said, grinning.

"We love you too," I said, smiling at Tina.

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