{Sebastian} Old Memories

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"So," Barry began recounting, running his hand through his hair. "You broke up with her because some Hunter dude showed you a picture of them together that wasn't real. And then now you're back together?"

I nodded, burying my face in my hands. "It was stupid."

Iris smacked the back of my head, grunting. "Of friggin' course it was stupid! You're so lucky she took your ass back."

"I know. Believe me, I know," I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "I'm such a dick right now."

"Ya think?" Barry and Iris asked in unison, making me roll my eyes and put up a finger in their direction.

Mike walked in as I was flipping off my brother and foster sister and he hit the back of my head. I flinched, jumping away from him. Did he not remember?

Iris inched forward in her seat, ready to jump up at any moment. Mike raised both hands, smiling. The smile was pretty sickening, considering his face.

"Calm down," he said lightly, putting his hands down. "Your girlfriend is here. What's her name? Anna? Aubrey?"

"Audrey," I grimaced, walking towards the door. "Don't try to make conversation, please."

Mike rolled his eyes and began walking towards his office, mumbling things under his breath.

When I opened the door, Audrey was standing there with a confused expression on her face.

"Why did Mike try to talk to me?" she asked, hugging me. I embraced her tightly, still shocked that she took me back.

I shrugged, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "He tried to talk to Barry and Iris. He's acting like a fucking weirdo."

As we entered the living room, Iris broke into a grin. "Audrey!" she yelled, hopping up. Audrey fell out of my embrace, running over to hug Iris.

Barry shook his head. "She was so excited on the way to Ohio," he mumbled, "she wouldn't shut up about seeing her."

I grinned, scrunching my nose up. "At least they're friends. Do you want coffee?"

"Is that even a question?


The four of us entered the Lima Bean, since Iris and Audrey agreed that coffee sounded delicious. We weren't paying attention to anyone in the shop, since we were catching up with each other.

"Audrey! Audrey!"

"Oh God," Audrey groaned, putting her face in her hands. I looked around, trying to determine who was calling her name.

In front of us was a curly haired, already balding short dude that looked super funky. He was holding a microphone and a man behind him was holding a camera.

He shoved the microphone in her face, waiting for an answer. I was about to shove this dude back, ready to fight him.

Audrey rolled her eyes and sighed. "What do you want, Jacob?"

"What do you have to say about your former relationship with Hunter Clarington?"

She scoffed, shoving him back and pushing his microphone from her face. "Get away from me, you little creep."

'Jacob' was about to pound her with more questions when Kurt yelled, "Hey! Ben Israel! Get away from my sister before I kick you out!"

He let his shoulders drop, scurrying away from us. Audrey threw her head back, groaning.

"I can never get away from that kid," she complained, rubbing between her eyebrows. "He's got this vlog channel and he reports on everyone from McKinley. Has an obsession with Rachel."

Barry and Iris were silent, heads cocked to the side. "What?" Iris asked in a whisper, her eyes scanning our faces.

"It's a long story," I answered, facing the counter. "And I'm going to order our coffees."

As I walked up to the counter, Audrey, Iris, and Barry found a booth in the middle of the cafe, sitting as they spoke among each other.

"What can I get you?" Kurt asked me, a small smile on his face. I definitely wasn't his favorite person, but I think he understood what Hunter could do to a person.

I scanned the menu one last time before saying, "Two large black coffees and two mocha lattes."

Kurt nodded, typing things into the register. "$7.97. And don't look behind you, because Hunter is staring through your skull."

I slowly dug through my pocket for a $10 bill, making sure to turn my head just enough to see the blonde behind me.

When I put the ten on the counter, Kurt smiled, looking through me. Hunter was getting impatient.

"Can we hurry this up?" he groaned, tapping his foot.

Audrey looked up, hearing his voice. She rolled her eyes, turning back to Barry and Iris.

Terribly slowly, Kurt fixed the four drinks, making sure to take his time with every movement and ingredient.

After a few minutes, he laid them in front of me, smiling again. "Bringing back the old memories," he mumbled, sighing. "I'll see you later."

"Ditto," I replied, lowering my head hoping and praying that Hunter Clarington would not see me.

"Lucky day?" Iris asked as I reached the booth, smirking.

I ignored her and turned to Audrey. "He's so awful. How did you even date him?"

She shrugged, sipping her latte. "Fifteen year old me was dumb and made even dumber decisions. He was eighteen and had a car. It my wildest dream."

I pretended to gag, seeing Barry and Iris being amused.

"Can you explain who he is?" Barry asked, brushing his hair out of his face.

Iris nodded, saying, "Yeah. I'm kinda confused."

Audrey bit her lip, cocking her head to the side. "It's a super long story, so I'm going to shorten it. I dated that dickhead when I was fifteen and he was...eighteen, I think? He was a controlling, verbally abusive jerk and I broke it off after like 10 months because he cheated on me. He's been trying to get me back ever since."

I nodded along with the story, listening as close as I could. Audrey never really talked about Hunter, only in small stories like what she told Barry and Iris. When she did speak about him, I always made sure to listen as close as I could. After all, blackmail is a boy's best friend.

"Old memories," she added, smiling. Iris and Barry nodded, then engaged in their own conversation with Audrey. I wasn't paying attention, only thinking of Hunter Clarington.

And how I could get revenge for everything that he'd done.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm still recovering from some medical things. Hope y'all liked this chapter! Vote, comment, share and all that jazz if you'd like!

(Steroids coming into play next chapter :) )

qotc: what do you think Sebastian is going to do for revenge?

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