{Sebastian} Coffee Dates and Plans

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"So, now Artie has to come up with the New Rachel. And I am so pissed about it," Audrey complained as we sat at the Lima Bean. She had no makeup on and there were faint bags under her eyes, but I didn't really notice. She was still breathtaking.

I composed myself and shook my head. "That sucks. Are you going to like...yell at them or something? Because when you yell, shit gets scary."

She chuckled, her eyes lighting up for the first time in the day. "Good to know," she laughed, sipping her coffee.

"You know," I changed the subject, seeing as it was obviously bothering her, "Hunter is so oblivious sometimes. He seriously thinks that we're all just going to take the steroids and to everything he says. I just...hate him. I hate him."

Audrey nodded, sighing. "I wish I could help you, Bastian, I really do," she admitted, her eyes softening. "He's always been like that. A manipulative bitch who would do anything to win. I just wish that I could do something."

"Maybe you could," I said, making her look at me skeptically as I finished, "I mean, he's obviously obsessed with getting you alone and back to him. So if you do something with the Warblers that want away from him, maybe it could work."

With a shake of her head, Audrey disagreed. "It would never work," she argued. "It's not just me he's after. If it was, he'd have been here a while ago. It's a win that he's wanting. The only thing that would hurt him would be not winning."

I smirked, leaning my elbows on the table. "Then, let's make sure he doesn't win."

Audrey leaned forward as well, a mischievous smile on her lips. "And how do you suppose we do that, Sebastian?"

"There is a saying that says there's strength in numbers. But it would only work if we're all on the same team," I said, raising my eyebrows. "And I think I could recruit some traitors."

"Are you suggesting," she began to clarify, pausing. "That you, and whoever else wants to, transfer to McKinley?"

I simply nodded, a smirk still gracing my face. Audrey leaned back in her chair, clearly not too keen on the idea.

"Why aren't you on board?" I asked her, furrowing my brows. "I thought you'd be okay with the idea."

She sighed. "It's not that, Seb. It's that it's sort of problematic. If you transfer, Hunter would know immediately. Then, he'd do something that would get you guys back on the Warblers. It wouldn't work." Audrey rubbed her eyes, then blinked a few times. She looked tired.

I took her hand in mine. "He wouldn't know. The transfer would happen the day before Sectionals, then we can pretend to have a huge fight and then not come back. Then, at Sectionals, he'd be so psyched out that he'd lose." I had a lopsided grin on my face, the one that she always told me looked so adorable.

"I can't say no to that grin," she smiled, rubbing her lips together. "Are you sure that it would work?"

"Positive," I countered immediately, rubbing circles on her hand with my thumb. She just nodded, closing her eyes.

"Make sure that it will work, and I'll tell Mr. Shue. I'm sure that he'll be on board," she said, a small smile making its way onto her face.

I nodded, letting go of her hand and standing up. I pushed my chair up and grabbed her hand again. "Ready?"

Audrey just nodded, getting up and walking close to me as we exited the coffee shop.

"Let's go back to your house."

"Why?" I asked, confused. She just laid her head on my shoulder as we walked to my car.

"Your couch is so much more comfortable to sleep on than mine."

"Your wish is my command."



hi, you're really cute, can i get your number? @sebastiansmythe

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hi, you're really cute, can i get your number? @sebastiansmythe


@sebastiansmythe: I think you already have it. @audreyanna

@iriswest: cuties.

@hunter_c: Hmmm.

@audreyanna: gtfo my profile you perv. @hunter_c

[@hunter_c deleted his comment!]


dedicating this chapter to MissLunaLovegood06 because your comments make my day so much better and keep me inspired to write this story. i love u <3

love, chloe.

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