{Audrey} Glease

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As if I wasn't already having an awful month, the universe decided to make it more horrible. I was sitting at home when I got the call from Kurt. 

"Hello?" I asked, holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder. I continued typing my English essay as Kurt began to talk. 

He sniffled before speaking. "Addie, Blaine cheated on me." 

I stopped doing everything and held the phone with my hand. "He did WHAT NOW?" I asked, well, more like screamed. 

"You were right," Kurt cried. "He's just like Hunter." 

I snarled, even though Kurt couldn't see me. "With who? Kurt, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to beat him up? I will." 

"No," Kurt giggled, making me smile a little bit. "I don't know who with. He kept apologizing, but I just told him to leave. And you know I'm against violence." 

I shook my head. "Yeah, but I'm not. I'll cut a bitch for you. Are you okay?" I shut my laptop, giving Kurt my full attention. 

"I'm not right now, but I will be. Finn and Rachel broke up, too. So me and Rach are grieving together." I sighed, looking down. "Are you and Seb okay?" 

I laughed. "Perfect. We didn't have the New York problems." Kurt breathed out, sniffling a little. "I'm sorry, again. Next time you come home, we're having a movie night." 

"That sounds amazing," he agreed, and I could hear the faint smile in his words. "I've got class in a few. I'll talk to you later." 

I sighed, pushing my bottom lip out a bit. "Damn. You better call me more often, bro. I got a bunch of Lima drama to fill you in on. I love you, dude." 

"Love you more. I'll call you later, Drey." 

He hung up and I dropped my phone on my bed. I grunted, rolling my head back. "What Kurt doesn't know won't hurt him," I mumbled as I grabbed my laptop and opened it again. Revenge is a dish best served unexpectedly and cold.


I walked into glee the next day to see Finn, contrary to Mr. Shue. I cocked an eyebrow up at him, raising my arms in confusion. "What's up, big bro?" I asked, pulling him up and into a hug. He grinned in my shoulder, pulling away. 

"Came to...visit, I guess," he lied, scratching the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes, knowing what he was there for. 

I put a hand on his shoulder. "I know about you and Rach, dude. That's why you're here." 

He didn't say anything, just looked down at his shoes. "I'm a pathetic Lima Loser, Addie. And I...just want to have something to look forward to. I have nothing left to lose, and nothing left to look forward to. Glee is all I have," he quietly admitted, looking like he wanted to cry. I angled his head up to look at me. 

"Finn-" I started, before being interrupted by a girl and boy gasping slightly. I took my hand away from Finn's face, looking at the door. It was the newest girl, Marley, and Unique. 

Unique's face changed. "You're dating him?" she asked, clearly disgusted. 

I jumped away from Finn, scowling. "No!" I screamed, feeling like I was going to vomit. "He's my brother!" 

"I-...I'm so sorry," Marley apologized, stuttering and fumbling her words. "This was a really bad first impression." 

I laughed, my face softening. "No problem, Marley" I assured the mousy girl. "Audrey Hummel."

She blinked a few times. "You know me?" she asked, grinning slightly. I nodded, furrowing my brows. 

"Marley Rose, the girl who sang 'New York State Of Mind' at auditions, in Rachel Berry style. You're great," I complimented, forgetting about Finn behind me. Glee kids were filing in, saying hello to Finn as I spoke to Marley. 

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