{Third Person} Regionals. (period)

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Audrey, Finn, and Kurt were all sitting in the choir room, not speaking to one another. They were early, but none of them seemed to mind.

After what seemed like hours of silence, Rachel, Blaine, Tina, and Mike walked in, sitting around the trio.

"I'm so excited. We have home turf advantage," Tina squealed to Mike and Audrey. Audrey wasn't listening. It was a tradition for her. Zone out on everything and concentrate on what she would do. What she was going to do.

And what she and Mr. Shue had planned was the biggest thing she'd done.

A solo at regionals. And if it went well, a solo at nationals.

While Audrey was zoned out at McKinley, Sebastian was thinking way too much on his way there.

"What are you thinking about?" Trent asked him. Sebastian had to tell someone about him and Audrey or he was going to explode. Why not Trent? He keeps Sebastian's secrets. He wouldn't tell anyone.

"If I tell you, you can't tell a soul until I do. Got it?" he asked his roommate. Trent nodded and looked at the door, making sure it was closed. "Me and Audrey are dating."

"Audrey Hummel?" Trent asked, extremely shocked. Sebastian nodded.

"The one and only. Trust me, I'm not gonna throw the competition because of that, but I'm scared that her friends will find out. And we weren't planning to tell anyone just yet."

Trent put a hand on his shoulder, calming him down a little. "Calm down, Bas. Iris and Barry are out there watching you with Joe. Think about how good that you're going to do for them. If New Directions find out, then I say so what? You two were obviously made for each other."

"How do you figure?" Sebastian interrupted.

Trent rolled his eyes. "Puh-lease. You're sassy, she's sassy. You're an overachiever, she's an overachiever. You're a great singer, she's a great singer. You're a boss, she's a boss. She just was a little more nice." Sebastian nodded, a new feeling in his stomach that he hadn't felt since he'd arrived in Westerville.

Peacefulness. He didn't have anything to worry about. If he didn't win, then his girlfriend did. And to him, that was just as good as winning himself. And let's face it, the Golden Goblets had no chance.

"Thank you," he said to Trent, grabbing his things and rushing towards the door. "We better go."


Audrey looked in the mirror at her outfit. It fit her figure perfectly. She spun around, watching how the skirt flew up.

"Warbler's are up in two," said Finn, running into the room. Audrey nodded and put on her headband, then sprinting with her stepbrother to the audience.

On stage was her boyfriend, smiling widely. Finn sat down, intent on watching him. No one was paying attention to her, so she ran over to where Joe, Barry, and Iris were sitting and sat next to them.

"Hey," she whispered to Iris. "I have your shoes, by the way."

Iris laughed at the girl, smoothing out her dress. "It's fine. Ooh, here they go."

Sebastian took a deep breath and looked at his twin.

Next to him was Iris, who he considered to be a sister, Joe, who was the most fatherly figure in his life, and his girlfriend all in one row. He grinned and started to sing.


"That was incredible!" Joe whispered loudly at the trio, thinking it was only his daughter and foster son.

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