{Audrey} Drugs Are Bad, Kids

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The summer of 2012 went by fast. Lots of good memories were made, between Sebastian, Cisco, Barry, Iris, and I, but it had to come to an end eventually. Cisco went home the week before school was to start, since he had a college scholarship, and he had to get home early enough to ensure it was still in line. Of course, I told him he was stupid for doing it, since college courses didn't start until September, but he was set in his ways. 

Barry and Iris made the trip back home a few days after Cisco, when Joe sternly told them to, "Get their asses in the car." Enough said. 

That left me and Sebastian. Dalton's classes started later than McKinley, but the dorms were to be occupied by the week before. The bittersweet end to a perfect summer came, and we were left to resume our boring lives as Lima Losers, as Finn would put it. 

"It's too early," I grumbled at my phone, looking at the time. It was 6:00 AM, and I was still in bed. 

"Talking to yourself isn't healthy," Dad said, scaring me enough to make my body jolt awake. 

I sighed, closing my eyes. "Jesus, Dad, you scared me," I breathed out, toeing out of the covers. 

Dad just chuckled, smiling. "Just wanted to say good morning before the first day. You know, A, it's your senior year. The last time you'll roam McKinley as a student." 

"Don't remind me," I replied, biting the inside of my cheek. "It's my last year...but I feel like I still have the problems I had my freshman year." 

"Is Sebastian doing anything to you? Because I swear-" 

"No," I cut my father off quickly, shaking my head. "No, nothing like that. It's just...Hunter's back in town and he's captain of the Warblers and he's already trying to make my life a living hell." 

Dad rubbed my back, sighing. "I wish I could help you. If he does something, I swear I'll hurt him." 

I giggled, standing up. "I'm sure you will. I got to start getting ready." 

He nodded, hopping up from the bed. He kissed my forehead before walking out of the room. I groaned, falling back on the bed. 

"Damn you, McKinley." 


School was absolutely a drag. All of the teachers were droning on and on about classroom rules and proper conduct, as if we didn't know how to act, even if we didn't act like it. It was the same, all of my classes were absolute lullabies, and I had to fight off sleep every hour. Until the last hour.

"Welcome back, my national champions!" Mr. Shue exclaimed, clapping his hands together. We whooped and cheered, a smile finally coming to our faces. 

Blaine shoved my shoulder, smiling. I smiled, back, nodding at him. 

"So, I know it's been a while," Mr. Shue began to drone, "so let's go over a few things." 

"No," I shouted, throwing my hands in the air. Everyone looked at me, confused. "I've spent all 7 hours and my 7 remaining brain cells listening to teachers talk about rules and what's new. Can we just...not?"

Tina nodded, looking at Mr. Shue. "I agree. Audrey's right." 

"O...okay then," he sputtered, recollecting himself. "Well, let's get right into it. Let's welcome our newest member, last year's MVP, Wade "Unique" Adams!"

I clapped, smiling at the boy. I looked around, seeing that no one else was quite welcoming. 

"Guys," I said, looking around, "what's up with you?"

Everyone started to mumble incoherent things, before anyone spoke up. 

"The competition for The New Rachel is already so tough," Blaine said, "and...I just don't  think we need another competitor." 

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