{Audrey} Talking

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"So this boyfriend of yours," Cisco said as we got outside. I sighed softly and looked at him as he continued to talk. "Is he like really good at something? Or is he just gifted with great genes?"

I started laughing, but shook my head. "He's extremely good looking, has straight As, is the captain of his lacrosse team, can play soccer and baseball, and he's captain of his school's choir." Dante and Cisco both gave me a deadpan look.

Dante rolled his eyes and shook his head. "He can't be that good." Cisco just stared at his feet.

I twirled a piece of hair around my finger. "Believe it, Dante. He's good at everything. Except for science. He sucks at science."

Cisco shook his head. "Nope, not believing it. When I come to Ohio, I better meet this dude."

I shrugged. "Sure. I was planning on it, anyway," I replied. "Are you guys coming to Nationals?"

"For the gleek club? Only if I'm forced," Dante said, having a chip on his shoulder. I really cannot stand him. At all.

I shoved him so that he stumbled a little. "Shut your trap, Ramon."

"Which one?" Cisco asked with a grin. I shook my head as I smiled, making them laugh as well.

"Both of you are coming because I have a solo, I think. If Rachel doesn't make a big deal of it." My expression dropped a little talking about Rachel. I loved her like a sister, but she was so, so self-centered when it came to glee.

I just closed my eyes for a second and stopped thinking about it. After all, it was Christmas. I was determined to enjoy it.



early merry chrysler y'all

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early merry chrysler y'all.


@sebastiansmythe: How'd I get so lucky?? <3

@iriswest: Slay Audrey!!

@ciscoramon: that's my sweatshirt audrey.

@audreyanna: yes. yes it is @ciscoramon.

@ciscoramon: u ready to die?

@audreyanna: @ciscoramon i'm a bad bitch you can't kill me.

@puck_da_beast: SHE GOT VINES. OOH YOU GOT HIM

@quinnfabray: Says the guy who thought the high road had something to do with marijuana @puck_da_beast

@puck_da_beast: OOH SHE GOT ME

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