{Audrey} Telling Them

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Convincing Sebastian the next day to apologize and be all buddy-buddy with my friends was hard. I mean, why wouldn't it be? They hate him, he hates them. It's a whole big mess of hate. 

And he was not going to back down. Until I bribed him.

"If you do it, then you can post a picture of me on your Instagram," I said. He grinned. 

"Fine," he agreed, grabbing his coat. Iris shrugged at me. 


When we sat down at the Lima Bean in front of New Directions, it was chaos. Kurt tried to jump over the table, but Finn and Blaine held him back. 

"I'm sorry!" Sebastian yelled for what had to be the hundredth time that day. I slammed my hands down on the table. 

Everyone shut up. "Shut the fuck up and listen to him! He's been saying he was sorry for the past, I don't know, thirty effing minutes!" 

"And do you believe him?" Kurt asked me in a hurt tone. 

I rolled my eyes. "You know what, Kurt, yeah. I do believe him. Because he was the first person to cheer us on at regionals. He was the first person to congratulate me on what I did, thanks for telling me I don't suck. Oh wait, you didn't and you're my damn brother!" My fingernails were digging into the table. Santana took my arms off the table. 

"Listen to her," she said surprisingly. "Listen, I don't like this little bitchlet as much as the rest of y'all, but just hear him out. He's not lying. He's being sincere." Sebastian smiled at Santana, earning a small one back. 

Everyone put their heads down, pretty ashamed of their actions. "Sorry," most of them mumbled. Kurt turned around and walked out, not saying a word. 

"Screw him," Finn said, pulling me into a side hug. "And to you," he said, pointing at Sebastian, "I'm sorry for what I did. We're cool, man." 

Sebastian nodded, standing up. "I'm out of coffee. I'm getting some more." We all nodded. 

"I didn't think he was sorry until I saw the look on his face," Artie said, looking down. We all agreed among ourselves. 

"I've got to get home," Sam said, earning nods from most people. 

When Seb came back, it was just me and Finn. Blaine had ran out, trying to find Kurt. 

"Finn," I said, desperately needing to tell my best friend about my secret. "I- we have to tell you something and you have to promise not to get mad." 

"You two are together," Finn said, leaning against the table and looking at his coffee cup. "You two were eye-fucking the entire time at regionals. I put two and two together. When you gonna tell your dad?" 

My eyes went wide. "I haven't even thought about that. Shit. You think he'll do what he did to-" 

"Of course he will," Finn interrupted. "A guy's dating his little princess. Hey, Sebastian, be ready to be scared." Sebastian's eyes widened. 

"What exactly am I scared of?" he asked, sitting up straighter. 

Finn laughed. "I mean, the last time she brought a boy home, he told him that if he hurts her, then he'd be hurting for a lifetime. And Burt's a pretty scary dude." I smacked my stepbrother's arm. 

"He's a teddy bear. Don't be worried." Sebastian nodded, smiling. "Kurt's probably going to throw a fit."

"Like always," Finn said, laughing. 


I walked up to my dad in his tire shop. I grinned at him. 

"Hey dad," I said, looking at what he was doing. He raised up and looked at me. 

"What you need, honey?" he asked, wiping grease from his hands. I bit my lip. 

"So I'm dating Sebastian Smythe and I was wondering if he can come for dinner tonight," I said quickly. 

Dad rolled his eyes. "Sure. If he's ready to be terrified." I sighed. 

"Finn already beat you to it. I'll see you at dinner. Love you," I said, walking out almost as soon as I came in. He waved as I shut the door. 

This was bound to be an exciting night.



just peachy (this took way too many tries for it to be practical)

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just peachy (this took way too many tries for it to be practical)


puck_da_beast: Didn't you say that to me once? Plus girlll you looking gud.

audreyanna: yeah. you were getting on my nerves, like always. 

puck_da_beast: You know I'm your bff, Audrey. Admit it.

audreyanna: you're a pain in the ass. that's what you are puck.

tinaaa: bestie slayyyy!

audreyanna: that's you!!



i'm dying someone help

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i'm dying someone help

(Tagged: @jeffff @davvvid)


@iriswest: what'd you do this time?

@barryallen: you said i looked stupid so i'm not sorry.

@audreyanna: good lord. pls fix that.

@sebastiansmythe: i'm fixing it, calm down

@audreyanna: i never wasn't calm...??? you're being weird.

@sebastiansmythe: i'm always weird.

@iriswest: preach.

@audreyanna: why yes, he has finally embraced the truth haha

@sebastiansmythe: *rolls eyes in a dramatic way*

@audreyanna: *makes very VERY dramatic exit and walks down stairs with a flourish of a random ass cape*

@sebastiansmythe: you win. 

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