{Audrey} The Fight

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Summertime was a good time for me, usually. I did things that every teenage girl does. I tanned by the pool, slept in, and spent time with her boyfriend.

At the very beginning of summer, Cisco came to spend some time at our home. He did this almost every year, or at least every year that I didn't go down to Central City.

"Audrey?" Sebastian asked, standing outside my house. I had answered the door and expected for him to come in, but he just stood on the stoop.

I stepped out and smiled at him. "What's up, babe?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I blinked a few times, trying to make sure I heard him right.

"What the fuck, Sebastian? I haven't done anything for you to talk to me like that," I replied, growing frustrated at the tall boy in front of me.

Seb scoffed, looking up. "Hunter Clarington ring a bell?" he asked, angrier than I've ever heard him.

"My ex..." I trailed off. "Get to the point."

"You and him. Like a week ago. He showed me pictures, Audrey. How could you do that to me?" he was on the verge of tears now, his hands balled up into fists.

I gritted my teeth and narrowed my eyes. "First of all, that never happened-"

"Stop lying!" he exploded, tears now coming from his eyes.

You know, I see those relationships where a girlfriend is borderline abusive with her excessive slapping and punching. Ours was never like that...until he did something like accuse me of cheating.

I slapped Sebastian as hard as I could. It was spur of the moment, but I didn't regret it. He was being a major dickhead.

"Don't you dare," I was growing louder by every word, my eyes watering and my face reddening, "accuse me of cheating on you with him! I can't believe you would even suggest that."

By this point, we were both in tears. Hot, angry tears that clouded our vision.

"I don't know who to believe," he mumbled, running his hands through his hair. "I think we need a break."

Those words definitely broke something. They broke me.

I shut down, essentially. I was frozen, unable to speak or move. Sebastian was my everything, and without him, I didn't know what I was going to do.

As much as I would've liked to take the role of Sebastian's grounder, the one that kept his head from falling off, I couldn't do it without him. He kept me from being the coldhearted, emotional bitch that I turned to being.

I managed to stutter out a small, "W-...what?"

Sebastian was stuttering, his hands and lip shaking. "A break."

I couldn't speak. There was no words to explain any of my thoughts.

"Go," I whispered, turning away from the man that I loved so. "Just go."

Sebastian left without another word, leaving me on the stoop. I stood there for a good three minutes before moving at all.

When I did walk back into the house, Kurt and Cisco were standing by the door.

"Fucking Hunter," I cried, walking into my brother's open arms, resting my head on his shoulder. "Goddamn it!"


In every cliche romance movie, the sky darkens after a breakup and it starts to rain. I'd always thought it was shit, but that day, the exact thing happened.

It rained, rained, and rained some more. Thunder boomed and lightning struck around the house, reflecting my mood.

The entire day, I laid on the couch, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket and cuddling up to my cousin and brother. We watched every sad romance movie that we owned and ate at least three boxes of ice cream.

When Dad and Carole came home, they didn't ask. They just went to their room and left us alone.

It was about eight when I got a text. I postponed looking at it, fearing it was someone saying, 'I told you so, Audrey!' When I did, I knew that something was up.

Unknown Number
I got what I wanted, didn't I? You know that you belong with me, Audreyanna. I'll see you soon.

Hesitantly, I screenshotted the message and began to reply.

I hate you. I hate you Hunter Clarington. You fucker. You'll never have a chance with me.

Kurt and Cisco were both half-asleep when I got the text. I didn't have the heart to wake them up on such a sour note. After all, they'd stayed with me all day.

I smirked, sniffling.

I hope this makes you realize you made a mistake

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I hope this makes you realize you made a mistake. -Audrey.

I turned off my phone and threw it across the room to another couch. I didn't need to hear his response that night. 

I leaned my head on Cisco's shoulder and felt my eyes grow heavy. In a few minutes, I was asleep. 


this was so sad to write. i'm so a hardcore sebdrey shipper. next update coming soon!

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