{Audrey} Mr. Shue Solves It All

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On Monday, classes were back to normal, at least for the week. No one was really listening. We were about to go on Thanksgiving break, so nobody cared. 

Absolutely nobody. 

The only thing that we cared about was glee. 

"Today, we're not exactly going to be doing something like we always do," Mr. Shue announced. I looked around and saw Rachel friggin' Berry grinning like a madman. I rolled my eyes. Here we go. 

"Out of a show of hands, who all has been noticing something going on between Audrey and Kurt?"


Every. Single. Person. Raised. Their. Hands. 


"We're going to talk this out," Mr. Shue said, sitting down and pulling two chairs on either side of him. I sat on his right side, Kurt on the left. 

"Now, what happened?" he asked. I sighed. 

"I started dating a guy and Kurt didn't like it and he threw a hissy fit." 

"Because he's the enemy!" Kurt screamed. 

"It's not like it's forbidden! For instance, you and Blaine!" 

"Leave us out of this! He's nothing like Blaine." I rolled my eyes and stood up. 

"If the blazer fits," I spat, getting in my brother's face. He just stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"He's not a nice guy!" Kurt screamed. Oh hell no. 

"You don't know the guy I know!" I yelled. "You don't know what he went through like I do. You don't know what he has to deal with like I do." 

"What does he have to deal with, huh?" Kurt asked angrily, his voice tight and shrill. "Did his credit card temporarily disable because he spent too much at J. Crew?"

Artie was on a computer with everyone surrounding him. I saw in the reflection of his glasses what they were reading. 

'Henry Allen accused of killing wife in front of two sons.'

"Let me read it," I said to Artie. He nodded and handed me the computer. I looked Kurt straight in the eyes. 

"Henry Allen, a respected doctor in Central City, was arrested late Tuesday night for the heinous crime of killing his wife, Nora Allen, in front of their two sons, Sebastian and Barry Allen." I shut the laptop and handed it back to Artie. 

"That's not him," Kurt said, sitting back down. "His last name's not Allen." The door opened and in walks Sebastian. I look at him, trying to calm down. 

"Actually, it is," he said, leaning against the doorframe. "Sebastian Allen." 

I looked at Artie. He put his phone to his ear and pointed to Bas. I grinned and mouthed 'thank you.' He shrugged, as if saying "no big deal." 

"You're a liar," Kurt said, standing up and beginning to walk over to him. Mr. Shue stopped him, but let us hash it out still. 

"No, he's not," Barry said, walking through the door as well. 

Kurt was silent. "You and him are dating?" Sam asked. I nodded. 

"We all knew it," Quinn said with a smile, "how did you not catch on, Sam?"

He shrugged as I smiled. Sebastian walked over to me and I hugged him. All of these emotions were entirely too much. "Thank you," I mumbled into his shoulder. He rubbed my back soothingly. 

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