{Audrey} Deception

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We walked into the choir room on a Wednesday, thinking it was going to be a normal day. 

With Hunter Clarington around, would things ever be normal? Yeah, that's a no. 

Finn was rambling about being in a stupid superhero costume, so I droned him out. He always did this, so I had learned to tune him out sometimes. I glanced over to the trophy case, seeing nothing out of the ordinary...until I looked a little harder. 

"That little shit!" I yelled, jumping out of my chair and running over to the trophy case. Everyone slowly followed, keeping a little distance between me and them. I looked at the computer, growling. I pressed play, seeing a blurred face. 

Even with his face blurred, he looked like a twat. Hunter had made a video groping our trophy, then saying that he wanted Blaine to meet him. I slammed the computer shut, turning to Blaine. We had just started healing our relationship, but I wasn't worried.

"Let's go," I told him bluntly, pulling my car keys from my pocket. "He wants Blaine, he gets Blaine and Audrey." 

Blaine followed me out of McKinley and to my car. 

Here we go, I thought, pulling out of the parking lot. 

At Dalton, Blaine led me to the weird staircase room that everyone seemed to flock to. I looked up and saw Sebastian walking down them. 

"Where is he?" I asked, raising one eyebrow. Sebastian pointed to the library. Blaine nodded at me, walking into the room. 

Sebastian walked up to me and enveloped me in a hug. I hugged him back, breathing in the faint scent of Axe body spray and laundry detergent. 

"You smell good," I mumbled, looking into his eyes. He grinned. A door opened behind us, cutting off whatever he was going to say. 

Trent was looking at us, nodding his head towards the library. I sighed, composing myself and strutting into the library. 

"...You see Blaine, you're one of us. So, come on, put on the blazer." Hunter's ugly voice echoed in the library, making my blood boil. 

"Uh huh," I said, making him spin around faster than a top. "Just like you're such a stable addition to the army." 

Hunter clenched his jaw, looking me over. "Audrey, get your irrelevant ass out of my conversation. This is about Blaine rejoining the Warblers, not you. You're just like I remember you. Loud and annoying," he growled, his hair swishing with every movement he made. A vain was beginning to show on his forehead, making me grin. 

I took a step towards him. "Blaine goes back to Dalton, my foot goes up your ass. You willing to take that risk, babe?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. Hunter just laughed, turning away from Blaine. Sebastian made his way to the front of the crowd, smirking. 

"Oh, sweetie, you're not as scary as you think you are," he grinned, showing his unnaturally white teeth. 

Sebastian craned his neck towards us. "I wouldn't be so sure of that, Hunt...she's pretty terrifying." I winked at him slyly, then turning my head away from them. Our trophy was in their case. 

"How would you know? She beat you when you dated her?" Hunter immediately asked, glaring at Seb. 

Sebastian raised his hands up, smirking at me. "Let's just say that this isn't the first fight that she's picked. And no, I told you. She's a pain in my ass." I rolled my eyes, raising an eyebrow at him. 

I was cut off from saying anything when Hunter boasted, "Yeah, and I knew her before she liked to bluff." 

"Hey, people change," Sebastian defended, his smirk still shining brightly on his face. "You'd be surprised at how many ways she could beat your ass." 

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