{Sebastian} Who Is She?

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When I got to Dalton, I was immediately on my way to find the Warblers. They needed to explain who Audrey was and why she was so damn beautiful.

I busted in the practice room with intent. I needed to know.

"Who's Audrey Hummel?" I asked. All of them smiled.

"She's hard to explain," Nick said, standing up. "Why? I didn't think you two would cross paths." I smirked.

"We met at that coffee shop in Lima. She's feisty." Thad grinned.

"Try learning to dance with her. She's a slave driver." I nodded.

"What do you need to know about her?" Jeff asked. I smiled.


"Someone's found himself an Audrey," Trent murmured. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"You realize that we all asked her out and she said no, right?" Jeff asked me. I laughed at them.

"Sucks for you guys."


At the end of the day, we were performing Uptown Girl when Blaine and Audrey walked in. Everyone celebrated and pulled Blaine into the dance. I went up to Audrey instead.

"And when she's talkin', she'll say she's mi-i-i-ne," I sang, walking around her. She rolled her eyes with a smirk and took off her jacket and threw it to a chair.

"Let me show you how it's done, Smythe," she whispered, pushing me into a chair.

"She'll say I'm not so tough, just because I'm in love with an uptown girl," she sang.

Damn, son, her voice was so powerful. If she was performing in a concert, she wouldn't even need a microphone.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath. She grinned and picked up her jacket.

All of the guys went up to her, followed by me.

No one in Central was ever as beautiful as she was.

"So," she said, "how's Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band?"

"Great. Have you met Sebastian?" She looked at me and grinned.

"Something like that," she said, looking at Blaine. He was standing behind all of us, grinning.

"We really need to go, Audrey. Kurt's waiting at-"

"Our house, yes, I know. Just go, I doubt I was even going home anyway. I'll probably sleep over with Tina or Berry." He sighed and nodded, walking out.

The one thing that I didn't like about Audrey was that she was in New Directions...

Which meant that I would probably be less than friends with her.


Audrey eventually left, which subsequently left all of the guys and I with nothing to do.

"Let's go to Trent and Seb's room," Jeff suggested. I shrugged and Trent nodded.

When we got in the room, all eyes were immediately on the picture above my bed.

"Who's the girl?" Nick asked. I gave him a sideways look.

"So you see that picture and don't ask about the guy that looks exactly like me, but ask about her?"

He nodded. "She's hot."

"She was my foster sister," I said, crinkling my nose in disgust.

"Foster sister?" Thad asked. I nodded.

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