{Sebastian} Weird

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!! a huge thank you to 1spotlight1 for the amazing cover! !!

Her eyes were boring holes in my skull as I pretended to sleep. His were gentler, happier than hers. Her chocolate eyes were full of happiness, but mixed with some type of anger.

"Iris, honey, I know you're staring at me," I mumbled, pulling a pillow over my head. "I'm choosing to ignore you."

Iris's small hands began hitting the pillow that was pulled on my head. "Sebastian, get your ass up!"

When I didn't reply, Iris sat on my chest, wiggling until it began to hurt.

"Iris Ann!" I yelled, hoping she'd ease up and get off of me. Ha, that was not even worth trying.

As the torture continued, I was growing impatient. Finally, I sat up fully, throwing Iris off of the bed. She hit the floor with a thud, then yelped in pain.

"Good lord, Sebastian," she complained, standing and rubbing her back, "didn't think you were that cranky."

I rubbed my eyes and threw the blankets off of my legs. "Well," I said, shuffling over to my pile of clothes, "I had lacrosse practice yesterday, and then Clarington decided to start having Warbler interviews for us."

"That's it?" Barry asked as I tugged on a blue v-neck. "That doesn't sound like the end of it."

I bit my lip slightly, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. "And I may have seen Audrey."

Iris shook her head, saying, "I'm guessing there was no sleeping there."

"Actually," I began, now standing in front of her, "we went to this new trampoline park in downtown Westerville. I kicked her ass in dodgeball."

Barry quietly giggled, watching Iris's confused expression.

"You two are weird," Iris finally said before walking out of my room. I turned to my brother, raising an eyebrow.

"Make your move yet?"

He hit my arm, his cheeks flushing. "No. Shut up, Bastian."

"Wimp," I muttered as I left him in my room, following Iris's trail. Barry tripped over his own feet as he jogged to catch up with me. 

He sighed and walked down the stairs beside me. "I was going to ask her at junior prom...but she went with someone else." 

I stopped in my tracks, turning to my twin. "And that stopped you how?" I asked. 

Barry scratched the back of his neck. "The dude would not let me near her. And I didn't have enough courage to force it." 

I shook my head and began to walk again. "I swear, Bar, you just need to man up." 

Joe was at the bottom of the stairs, smiling. "Bring it in, Bas," he said, opening his arms. I hugged him, smiling as well. 

"Hey, Joe," I said as we pulled away, "I missed you." 

He nodded, crossing his arms. "We missed you too, Sebastian. Where's that little girlfriend of yours?" 

I rolled my eyes. "I would guess that she's at her house asleep. Probably because she didn't wake up to an Iris sitting on her back." 

Iris threw her hands up, raising her eyebrows. "Not my fault that you sleep until 12 every day." 




Guess who woke me up too early this morning? And then made me take this picture? *cough cough* Iris

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Guess who woke me up too early this morning? And then made me take this picture? *cough cough* Iris. 


@iriswest: Gotta admit, it's a nice way to wake up. 

@barryallen: That was all @iriswest

@blaineee: At least it's a good picture.

@kurthummel: Start a photography business @sebastiansmythe

@audreyanna: the picture is all that matters, sweetie. @sebastiansmythe

@audreyanna: also @ciscoramon you do this and i will kill you. 

@ciscoramon: Is that a threat? @audreyanna

@audreyanna: it's a promise. 


A/N: in the next chapter, things start getting juicy. so sorry for the lack of updates, a bunch of stuff was going on at once in my life and i had to take a break from everything for a while. tell me what you think is gonna happen after this chapter! 

much love, chloe.

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