{Sebastian} Bad

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It was a pretty decent prank idea at first, really.

It's not like I knew that rock salt had the potential to cause serious retinal damage. I truly didn't.

At least, not until after I did it. It had the possibility to turn awry.

It had the possibility to blind Kurt Hummel.


"We're doing Michael for sectionals," Berry said, not giving up. So I did the only logical thing that came to mind.

"Fight us for it," I said, not thinking.

"No," Kurt said.

My whole 'defense mechanism' of being an arrogant asshole kicked in when I said, "Oh, hey Kurt, I didn't recognize you. You were wearing boy clothes for once."

"Okay, I'm about to show you a little Lima Heights hospitality," Santana said, standing up and getting in my face.

I took a step back. "Unless you want to join your relatives in prison, that's not the best idea. You see, my dad's sorta what you'd call a state's attorney. If you wanted a pinata delivered, I could make sure it got to them."

Audrey pushed Santana out of the way and stood in front of me. Her face was one that I was absolutely terrified of. The one of disappointment, anger, and sadness.

"Come with me," she said, pulling me by my tie. I didn't bother crying out in pain. It wasn't worth it.

"The hell?" she asked, pushing me against the wall, just like she did before.

"I'm an idiot," I said, not bothering to try and get her off of me. "It's a defense mechanism, okay?I am absolutely miserable, okay?" Each 'okay' was getting louder and louder.

She didn't loosen her grip on my tie at all. "Believe me, I'm absolutely miserable too. You don't see me taking out on my friends," she argued, her blue nails digging into my collarbone.

"You're not me," I suddenly growled.

"You're right," she said, shoving me again, "I'm not an arrogant, cocky asshole that manages to burn every possible bridge I build to try and make it to where I can stand you." She stormed off, back to her friends.

Yeah, I'd fucked up big time.


You know how I said I'd fucked up...yeah, I couldn't stop doing that for some reason.

I just wanted to prank him. I just wanted to somehow get even for him being such an ass.

He was just naturally one.

Of course, no one had to know that. They just had to know that I was planning to pour a slushie on his face.

"That's not exactly how that works..." Trent mumbled as I put rock salt in the slushie.

"It lowers the melting temperature. Barry said something like that." I put it in a brown paper bag. "Let's go."


I barely paid attention when we were singing. I did my best, but I was distracted.

"Who's bad?" Santana sang. I threw the slushie cup at Kurt, only for Audrey to knock it out of my hand. Some of it landed on her chest, causing her to look at it closer.

"Asshole!" she screamed at me. I couldn't take that, so I just walked away.

I just walked away from my problems, just as I always had.


The next day, I couldn't stand just sitting where I was and saying that nothing happened.

So I made one more big mistake.

I went to the Lima Bean, knowing very well she would be there. And there she was.

I sat in the booth with her, looking her in the eye.

"I didn't mean for it to end up like that," I blurted out, turning red.

She looked at me angrily. "No shit, Sherlock."

I sighed and looked at my hands. "I mean that I didn't mean for it to possibly get someone hurt. I just wanted revenge. Stupid, petty revenge," I said, picking at my dirty nails.

She flipped her bangs out of her eyes. "Revenge on Kurt? For what? I would have thought that you calling him those things would be enough. Of course, not for Sebastian Smythe."

"It's more than that. I was tired of getting picked on and I was tired of letting it happen with no consequence. The second someone says something to me, I get defensive and I...I just do things that no one should be proud of."

She softened her face a little. "I get it. You were bullied. You were teased. You were made fun of. That doesn't give you any right to do it to anyone else. I'm still extremely pissed at you, if you were trying to change that."

"I'm sorry!" I yelled, slamming my hands down on the table. Audrey just stared at me.

"Don't apologize if you don't mean it," she said, getting up and leaving the table.

That made me start thinking.

Why was I apologizing all of a sudden? I don't apologize.

But it's got a reason.

I can't get Audreyanna Hummel out of my head.


It was probably not the best idea to go to the Hummel house that night. Mainly because Finn almost punched me in the face.

"Get out of here," he growled, rearing his fist back.

"Finn, go away," Kurt said, pushing him away and standing in front of me.

"Kurt, I-"

"Shut it, Smythe," he said, stepping closer to me.

"If you would let me finish, I would continue to tell you that I'm sorry for what I did."

"No you're not."

"Yes, I am," I argued, clenching my fists.

Kurt just scoffed. "If you were sorry about it, you wouldn't have done it, Sebastian. Your apology means nothing to me."

I looked up and sighed heavily. "Can't you just believe me? Dammit, I'm trying to apologize for one single thing in my life."

"Sucks for you," he said, slamming the door in my face.


audreyanna: trying to build bridges while the other person is constantly tearing them down is useless

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audreyanna: trying to build bridges while the other person is constantly tearing them down is useless. (casually subtweeting)




audreyanna: thx guys.

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