{Sebastian} Truth

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Audrey was right.

I had to tell Barry. Not Joe, not at all him, but I needed to tell Barry.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked. We sat in a booth at the Lima Bean.

I sighed and looked down at my latte. "Um. You know how I was gone when you guys came back from getting food?"

"Yeah, what was that about? Mike was wasted." I looked into Barry's eyes sadly, not wanting to tell him what was going on.

I licked my thumb and drug it across my bruise, taking off the concealer that Audrey had helped me with. Barry gasped, looking at it.

"He got mad," I said, leaning back in my chair. Tears were prickling at my eyes.

"He had no right," Barry said, shaking his head. "You need to tell Joe."

I shrugged. "If I do, he'll just take me back to Central City and right now, that is not where I want to be. I fit in here. I have friends and a girlfriend."

My brother had a spark in his eye. The devious one.

"I have a plan that will make sure Mike won't do it again and Joe won't know. C'mon, Bas, let's go." 

I grinned. The Allen twins, back at it again.


"IF MY DAD KNEW WHAT YOU DID, YOU WOULD BE IN JAIL AND BAS WOULD BE BACK IN CENTRAL CITY!" Iris screamed. I grinned from my position at the table. She was giving Mike hell.

Not like he didn't deserve it. It friggin' hurt.

"I promise I won't do it again," he said, tears forming at his eyes. "I was drunk and pissed."

"You better not," Iris said, stepping away from him. Barry was grinning and I was smirking, as per usual.

And it was a Tuesday, so we had nothing better to do.

And I was thinking about Audrey.

Like always.


So I did the only logical thing.

I went to her.



this thing was waiting for me by my car

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this thing was waiting for me by my car. he also brought me a present. i named him jefferson bc he's a fancy duck thing.

(Tagged: sebastiansmythe)


@rachelberry: #sebdrey is my life!! Ily Audrey

@ciscoramon: I'm stealing Jefferson, brb.

@barryallen: she would beat you @ciscoramon

@ciscoramon: She wouldn't. She's my cousin.

@audreyanna: bet cisco. i will beat you if you touch jefferson.

@sebastiansmythe: she's not joking at all.




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(Tagged: audreyanna)


@trent_da: WERK

@thaddd: k.

@audreyanna: ♡

@audreyanna: thad stop being a buzzkill @thaddd

@sebastiansmythe: he's always a buzzkill.

@iriswest: this is my favorite couple of all time i promise.

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