{Audrey} And We're Not Speaking

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It was time.

I had to fix things with my brother. As much as I didn't want to, I had to. He was my family.

Kurt was in his room, his door open. I just walked in and leaned on the wall. "Hey," I said, catching his attention.

He just looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. "Hey. What's up?"

I sighed. "Kurt, you know what's up. I wanna fix it."

He put down his phone and patted an open spot on his bed. I sat on it, crossing my legs. "I don't trust him."

Of course he doesn't.

"Kurt," I begged, "I promise. You can trust him. You don't have to hate him, Kurt."

Kurt just shook his head. "Audrey, why are you even with him? He hates the New Directions. He probably is just using you."

Alright. That's cool. Just say that to my face.

"No," I denied, "you just need to accept that he's not."

My brother just scoffed. "Give me a reason."

I glared at him. "Would someone who's using me introduce me to their parents? Would he come to dinner and win over Dad just because it was important to me? Would he do anything for me if he was using me, Kurt?"

He just stayed silent. I stood up and walked out, not glancing at Kurt another time.

I think I got my point across. At least, I hoped that I had.



I picked up my phone, seeing Sam's caller ID flashing across the screen.

Immediately after I answered, Sam began speaking. "Audrey," he said, seeming like he was out of breath, "you need to get down here like right now. The hospital."

I shot up, grabbing my jacket and slipping on some shoes. "On my way, but why?"

"Karofsky just attempted suicide."


When I got to the hospital, everyone was already there, sitting in the waiting room. Even Sebastian was there, along with half of the Warblers. I sat next to him, letting his arm comfortably rest on my shoulders.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked him quietly.

He nodded sadly. "Yeah. He...wasn't having a good time. With all of the things about him being...gay. And he said he couldn't take it."

I was dumbfounded. Sure, Dave wasn't someone that I was necessarily friends with. I knew him, but not very well. But it hit me for some reason.

"Shit," I whispered, the look of shock still plastered on my face.

Sebastian looked incredibly...guilty. I just looked at his face for a while. "What did you do?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

A single tear started to form in his eyes. "I...Audrey I know that it wasn't what caused it but...I just feel so guilty." By the time he finished his sentence, he was crying softly, wiping tears away as fast as they'd come.

"What did you do?" I asked again, this time a bit more persistent.

He took in a deep breath. "It was like a month before I met you. Before I met any of you guys. It was just me and some of the other Warblers that had graduated at Scandals. He asked me something, thinking I swung that way."

I didn't say a thing, letting him take a break to try to breathe normally. "And I...I told him he should just stay in the closet. I wasn't meaning it. I was drunk and I just...there's no excuse. I was still angry about Mike taking me away from Barry and Iris. I just wish I could take it back. I wish I could take it all back."

He cried a little harder after, but not so loud that everyone else would notice. They were all still in shock. I just held him closer, rubbing his arm soothingly.

I wasn't mad. I wasn't really anything. "Hey, hey," I soothed, "it's okay. You were drunk. You didn't mean it. It's okay, baby. It's okay."

All that I heard was sniffles for a while after that. No one else really wanted to talk. There was nothing you could talk about. Kurt was nestled under Blaine's arm, his eyes red and puffy. Finn had his arm around Rachel, who was silent. Sam was leaning against the wall. Brittany and Santana were just sitting emotionless. Well, Santana was. Brittany was playing with Santana's fingers.

It felt like an eternity before they finally let people back to see Karofsky. His parents came out of the room, crying. They gestured to us before walking away, presumably to get some sleep. Sam had told me that they'd been there since the night before.

Sebastian and I went with Kurt and Blaine. Kurt looked at me as we were walking. He nodded with a small smile, mouthing, 'I was stupid.' I just nodded, the teeniest bit of a smile working its way onto my lips.

When we entered the room, it was silent. Sam, Santana, and Brittany had just left, after saying whatever they wanted to. Sebastian held my hand tighter, blinking away a few stray tears.

"Hey," Kurt croaked, his voice small and cracking.

Dave just smiled a small bit. "Hi guys."

I sat by the window, Sebastian following closely. "Next time, talk to someone dammit," I let out, closing my eyes. "Like, I know we're not friends but damn, I'd talk to you."

"There's not gonna be a next time," Dave assured. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I just wasn't up to that.

Blaine and Kurt shed some tears, saying that they understood what was going on. I didn't have anything to say. We weren't friends. We had nothing in common.

All that we had was that I didn't want someone I knew doing that to themselves.


ik that's not how it went but i wanted to get his real emotions. it also isn't at the right time, but i felt that it needed to be added.

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