Central Roots

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Audrey, Age 13

"Will you stop listening to that trash?" my cousin, Dante, yelled into the room we were staying in. I rolled my eyes and turned my playlist up louder. "I'm trying to practice piano!"

"You're not even technically related to me," I shouted back down there. "So I don't have to listen to you, Dante."

"I'm older than you!" he yelled, suddenly in the doorway.

"Dad was adopted by his parents. I'm not listening to anyone who's not blood kin in this house," I defended. Cisco was standing behind Dante, laughing.

"Shut up, Cisco!" Dante shouted. Kurt ran up the stairs, being the oldest out of us.

"All of you shut the hell up!" he yelled, flustered. I looked down at him, already being taller than him, and gave him the look that always made him break.

"C'mon Kurt, tell them that I'm right," I said. He sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Audrey's right," Kurt said, walking into our shared temporary room.

"Suck it," I said, sassily walking off.


Sebastian, Age 13

"Barry," I yelled at my brother. He ran to me, Iris following behind. "Did you do your science homework?"

He rolled his eyes. "Bas, you have to start doing your own science homework."

"Bear, what's the fun in that?" I asked, smirking. Iris rolled her eyes.

"I'll be glad when you turn 18 and leave," she said, smiling. I nodded.

"Can't wait to leave you, Iris Ann West."

"And you, Sebastian Grey Allen," Barry said, "need to do your own science homework. I don't have mine with me."

"Sucks for Mrs. Catherine then," I said, "because I'm not doing it."

Barry and Iris both sighed at the same time. I just grinned.

"Hey, tap dancer!" someone yelled behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned around. Tony Woodward.

"What's up, Insecurity?" I snapped. He just took a step closer to me and I could feel his breath on my forehead. Being 5'4 sucks.

"Don't you talk to me," he growled. I took a step back and gave him a puzzled look.

"Then why did you start a conversation? It's called being social, but I forgot that you don't know how that works." He picked me up by the collar of my shirt. Barry and Iris were yelling for him to put me down, but he didn't.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Tony asked. I laughed in his face.

"Unfortunately, yes, I do. And I will tap dance my foot up your ass if you don't put me down." He dropped me suddenly, but I landed on my feet.

"Do it," Tony said, squaring up to fight, "I dare you, Allen."

"Don't you do it, Sebastian," Joe said from behind me. He stood in front of me and confronted Tony.

"You leave them alone, you hear me?" he shouted. I looked at Barry and Iris.

"Such a shame. I really wanted to shove my tap shoe up his a-"

"Don't you finish that sentence, Bas," Joe said, dragging us all home.

"Asparagus," I finished, scowling. Barry and Iris were laughing.

"I'll live to see the day that Sebastian Allen beats up Tony Woodward," Iris said. I grinned.

"You just wait. It'll happen," I replied.


Sebastian, Age 16

"This was just too close of a call, Joe," my...cousin, I think, said.

"Mike, I know that this was close, but it's not like it went unpunished," Joe argued.

"Joe, this has gone too far. We agreed that if something like this happened to one of them, they go directly to Ohio. Trust me, Dalton is perfect for Sebastian." I rolled my eyes. How did he know?

"Mike, I just don't see how taking Bas away from Barry is going to solve anything. If it does anything, it will just make it worse. They're connected at the hip." I smiled a small smile, seeing a teary-eyed Barry standing behind Joe. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"They're 16. They'll stay in contact." Iris was on the other side of Barry, full on crying.

"I know, but it's not the same. Barry and Sebastian need to be together." Joe wasn't giving up. Neither was Mike.

"What Sebastian needs is Dalton. They have a no tolerance policy on bullying that is strictly enforced. He'll do fine there. Barry needs you and Iris." That was it.

"Maybe I need Barry and Joe and Iris too," I said loudly. "Have you ever thought about that one?"

"It's final, Sebastian," Mike said, picking up my suitcases. "I'll be in the car." I ran up and hugged my brother. My twin brother. My everything.

"I don't wanna lose you like we did them," Barry sobbed. I held him at arms length.

"Listen to me, Barry. You will never lose me. Not now, not ever. I don't care how far apart we are. Bartholomew Henry Allen, good lord I haven't said that in a while and I want to laugh but, we're brothers. We're together, whether we like it or not." He nodded.

"Don't make fun of my name to the friends you make," he said. I nodded.

"Sure thing, Bartholomew," I smirked.

Iris pushed me and Barry apart, latching onto my neck. "I'm gonna miss you, Sebastian Henry Allen," she said, still hugging me as tight as she could.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Iris Ann West," I replied, hugging her back. Joe pulled her off of me and hugged me himself.

"Call me every night," he said, holding me at arms length, like I'd done to Barry.

"I won't forget." He nodded and hugged me one last time. Barry and Iris joined in, which slightly hurt my sprained wrist, but I didn't care.

"I love you guys. I need to go before he comes in and takes me. I love you." They all nodded and let me go.

I was going to miss this. I was going to miss being Sebastian Allen.

Because now I'm Sebastian Smythe.



As I put the last box in my dorm at Dalton, I said goodbye to Mike. I really wasn't going to miss him during the week. On top of the last one was a picture that made me think about Central City.

It was Barry, me, Iris, and Joe in the park. Joe was trying to teach Barry and I how to fight and we just couldn't do it. I smiled and put it above my bed.

There was a knock on the door. A slightly pudgy boy walked in.

"Hey," he said, "I'm Trent." Ah, the roommate.

"Sebastian," I said, "Sebastian A- Smythe." He smiled and nodded.

This was going to be a lot harder than I'd expected.

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