{Audrey} Juliet

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Rachel and Tina swore to secrecy about me and Sebastian. And they even said that they were happy that I was over Hunter completely. 

But there's no way I'm telling Finn, Blaine, and definitely not Kurt. Nope, not happening.

In glee, Mr. Shue wrote the word REGIONALS on the board. There was a collective sigh.

"Any song suggestions now that Michael is off the board?" Mr. Shue asked. Artie scoffed.

"Who says Michael is off the board? I will fight some Warblers." I sighed gently, looking at Rachel. 

She stood up. "He's right. Michael's off the board, but there's other songs! What about...that...What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger?" 

"That's a good suggestion," Mr. Shue said, writing it on the board. "Anybody have a problem with it?" No one raised their hands. 

"Um," I stood up, earning smiles from Tina and Rachel, "I think that since the TroubleTones are officially back in New Directions," something that happened a few weeks ago that was completely stupid, "that we should have them sing What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger. And then we all should sing two other songs." 

Santana smirked at me. "Nice idea, Hummel. I like it." 

Kurt glanced at me, but I just stared through him. I didn't want to talk to him now. Not for a while. 

"That is a really good idea, Audrey," Mr. Shue said, putting a "TT" by the song title. "Any suggestions for songs?"


After an hour of people trying to suggest songs, school was over. As I walked outside, I checked my phone. 


meet me at the lima library. i'll see you there.


kk. i'll be there in like two minutes.

When I say that I ran to the library, I sprinted as fast as I could. When I got there, I was out of breath and breaking a sweat. 

"Woah," Sebastian said, putting both hands on my shoulders. 

I took a breath and smiled at him. "My superhero name is Silverbolt. I'm super fast." He laughed as we walked to the back of the library and sat on the couches. 

"What are we?" he asked, looking into my eyes. 

I grinned. "What do you want us to be, Smythe? Wait, shouldn't it be Allen? You're confusing," I said, making him smile.

"Definitely more than friends," he said, smirking, "and you can call me Smythe or Allen. Although, Allen sounds more...real."

"Sure thing, Allen," I said, coming closer to him. "We're like Romeo and Juliet. A sort of...forbidden thing. All of my friends hate you." 

He looked at me with a flat expression. "Thanks, Drey. Thanks." 

I grinned, looking at him up and down. "Welcome, Bas. Welcome." 

We just came close to each other slowly, until eventually we were kissing. 

"I vote for this library to be our place to meet," I said, ruffling his gelled hair. He smoothed it down.

"I second that." 


I got home, smiling. It was official, but only to us. 

"Why are you so happy?" Finn asked me as I started up the stairs. 

I just looked at him for a second. "Do I have to have a reason?"

He shrugged, falling onto the couch. "I guess not. Mom says dinner will be ready in an hour." I nodded and ran up to my room, closing the door behind me. 

I called Tina.

On the first ring, she answered. 

"So how was the date with Smythe?" she asked. I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see. 

"Great. We're sorta official." She squealed. 

"If Hunter saw, he'd flip. I hope one day you'll be able to shove it in plastic man's face." I laughed.

"If I saw him, I would."

"I've got to eat, Drey. I'll call you back tonight," she said. I sighed. 

"Okay. Bye, Tina." 


I fell back onto my bed, thinking of how lucky I was. 

And while I was basking in my luck, I got a text. 


hey girlfriend, do you wanna go out friday?


i'd love to, boyfriend.

I grinned, reading over his text a million times. 

As much as this wasn't expected, I was happy. Very, very happy. 

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