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Prologue - Transcending Reality

If you want, you may skip the prologue, but it is highly suggested that you should read it~

"Where the hell am I?"

Earlier, I was with (b/f/n) because they dragged me to go to the movies with them in (city name), but after that we got separated. Now, I'm lost somewhere in this city and the sun has almost completely set.

"C'mon, (b/f/n), where are you?" I mumbled out under my breath, afraid to raise my voice too much.

It was completely silent where I was at, with old crumbling buildings, the road full of cracks and potholes, and the sidewalk uneven and broken. I reached for my phone again and pulled it out of my coat pocket. I sighed dejectedly as I saw that it was still dead, same as it was hours before. So now I'm lost in this city, looking for (b/f/n) who's probably also lost and looking for me, with no way to contact them; I couldn't even find a payphone! What city doesn't have payphones anymore? I'm not about to go into one of those creepy buildings and try to use a phone in there- who knows what's lurking in the shadows in them. I pulled my jacket closer to my body and shivered as the wind picked up, tossing your (h/c) locks around.

'Shit, the sun's almost down. It's gonna get even colder, but I have to find (b/f/n),' I thought to myself.

Suddenly, two loud guns shots fired off nearby, startling me.

"Shit! Were those gun shots?! Fuck, I gotta get out of here!" I started frantically sprinting down the sidewalk when I heard more shots fired, but this time even closer. "Shit," I hissed under my breath.

I could feel myself getting tired due to the fatigue of looking for my friend all day. Knowing I wouldn't be able to run for much farther, I quickly ducked into a nearby building. Well, "ducked" wouldn't be the correct way to word that; it was more of a "ramming-my-shoulder-into-the-door-so-it-gave-way-and-entered," so basically breaking and entering. Hearing even more shots even closer, seemingly right outside the building, I quickly dropped to the floor, wishing it was over soon. A few minutes passed before my breathing, which I hadn't noticed had sped up before, had calmed and the adrenaline's affect had worn off. Cautiously, I stood up, not trusting that whoever had the gun was completely gone yet, even though I didn't hear any more shots.

Taking in the sight of my surroundings, I noticed that I had run into a rusty old warehouse of sorts, parts of the walls and roof beginning to fracture and crumble away. Looking back to where I had entered, the door swayed back and forth slightly, probably because I had broken the rusted lock when I had rammed myself against the door.

"Whoops," I mumbled out before walking further into the warehouse, not wanting to leave yet, so I might as well explore.

By now, it was completely dark in the ware house, meaning the sun had probably completely sunk below the horizon. Small bits of moonlight filtered through the various cracks and holes littering the ceiling, yet my eyes had yet to adjust before I could make out anything.

"Oof!" I had just walked face first into something, "the hell?"

I raised my hand to feel what I run into, my palm being met with a smooth, cool surface, unlike anything I had felt before. It wasn't quite a metal, as instead of the biting chill metal radiates, the coolness was refreshing, and it felt almost alive in a sense. My eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness, so I followed the structure upwards, only to be welcomed with the sight of a giant lion-shaped head. I felt my eyes widen, and I took a few steps back to take in the entirety of whatever I had run into.

"Woah..." I instinctively let out as I gazed at what seemed to be a huge, purple mecha-lion, "what is this?" Approaching it once again, I touched its leg, which I assume is what I had walked into before, before looking back up at its head. "Just what are you?" I asked to no one in particular.

The lion's eyes suddenly lit up. I jumped back as it began to shift until its head was close to the ground and its mouth opened. I poked my head around the lion's leg which I had jumped behind without realizing it. About a minute had passed and anything had yet to happen, so I made the stupidest choice I could have ever made in this situation-I approached it. I had gotten right up to the ramp, but still nothing happened. Deciding to go against all common sense, I went up the ramp, into the lion's mouth. Upon entering the lion's mouth, I was welcomed with the high-tech, cliché sci-fi designed interior. Before I had a chance to react to it, the ramp had rapidly retracted, much like a measuring tape, and the lion's mouth snapped shut, trapping me inside.

"No going back now..." I mumbled before traveling further into the lion until I arrived at a more open area.

There was a single purple and white chair with two handles close by, perhaps for steering? There was a windshield and multiple holographic screens displaying different graphs and data, using characters and symbols that I didn't recognize. Suspiciously eyeing the cockpit-like area, I sat down in the chair. The lion let out a low rumble, like a growl mixed with a purr, and the headlights, or whatever you'd call them, turned on, illuminating the large warehouse, almost the size of an airplane hangar. Suddenly, the lion roared and launched itself upwards, crashing through the ceiling, yet seemingly unaffected.

"HOLY SHIIIIITTTT!!!" My knuckles turned white from the strength I was using to grasp at the two handles I noticed earlier.

I continued to scream and hyperventilate as the lion continued its journey upwars. Before I could even realize what the hell I had gotten myself into, my surroundings outside the lion had already turned into stars and swirling galaxies.

"I'M IN SPACE!?" I shouted as I ogled at the sight before me.

The lion then began to move towards a blinding light. Or, was it moving towards us? I couldn't tell. It had no distinct shape, as if time and space itself had been ripped and distorted in such a way where this anomaly was produced.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD UP!" I continued to scream nonsense as the Lion and I were engulfed by the light before everything went black.


A/N: Hello everyone, I'm back with a new reader insert because I bloody fuckin' love Voltron and have been DYING to write a reader insert for it since last summer, so here we go~ Only the prologue is done so far, but the first chapter should be up within the next week.



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