My Phone is My Life (+Q&A)

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First things first, this story has met a huge mile mark that I've never expected it to hit, so I'm having a Q&A! (and maybe a Christmas special but shhhh)! So just comment or DM me a question, and if you wanna remain anonymous, just lemme know, okay? Or you can send me a message through my discord if you wanna do that. Anyway, onto the story!

There wasn't much to do as I went in the general direction that the blue lion went, so to spice up my life a little, I played a little game of hopscotch with myself. Well, it wasn't exactly hopscotch; I just changed the way I walked: skipping, hopping on one leg than the other, doing lunges, making my steps unnecessarily wide, etc. Taking off my helmet, I shook my hair out; that helmet was always a little uncomfortable. Balancing the helmet between my arm and hip, I continued making my way down but normally this time. Quickly growing bored again, I began to toss and spin my helmet up in the air repeatedly. I didn't even notice until I dropped it that I had been humming out of habit. Picking the helmet back up, I saw a blue, white, and black worm wriggling in the distance.

"Guys?" I heard Lance's voice come from both my helmet and the worm. Shit, that worm was Lance! "Hello? Little help?"

"Lance?" Shiro's voice came through my helmet next. Clumsily putting my helmet back on, I fixed it into place and listened to what they were saying while making my way over to Lance. "Lance! Are you all right? What's going on?"

"Well, I'm kind of chained to a...a tree," Lance admitted.

"I knew it!" Hunk exclaimed.

"Is that why you've been squirming on the ground like a worm?" I asked.

"Wait what?" Lance sounded very confused.

"I'm right by you. I can see you a little ways in front of me."

"Well can you come and help me please? I think Nyma and Rolo just stole the Blue Lion."

"I knew it!" Hunk shouted again.

"Where are they?" Shiro asked.

"Uh, space?" Lance sounded unsure.

"I'll get Lance-- can you guys take care of the rest?" I asked.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go!" Shiro responded.

"Uh, I never trusted those guys, right from the beginning!" Hunk began to ramble. "At first, it was a feeling in my gut, but when I was replacing that pipe—" I took off my helmet at that point, being only a few meters away from Lance (and I could tell Hunk was about to go on a long-ass rant that I wasn't about to be a part of).

"Heya Lance, what brings you ta these here parts?" I asked, a smug look on my face. He was not amused. "Were you side-tracked by somebody flauntin' dat boo-ty?" I sung out the last three words in a teasing tone.

"OK, OK, I get it, just—can you please help me out of these?" He asked, shaking his wrists to emphasize the fact that he wanted them free of their bindings. Kinky.

"Don't worry, I'll have you out soon." I took out my bayard and held it above my head as it turned into the familiar form of a scythe. Without further ado, I swung it down towards the tree, slicing through both the yellow wire and part of the tree Lance was chained to. Putting my bayard back to the magical holster on my thigh or whatever you wanna call it (I don't know how this thing works), I offered my hand to Lance who accepted. Pulling him back up to his fight, I said, "Let's get on our way then." Turning around, I took a few steps before stopping. I had no idea which way was back to the castle. Well fuck. "Hey, uh, Lance?" I spun back around to look at Lance who had already put his helmet back on. "Do you know which way we have to go to get back?"

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