I may have signed up for this, but I don't want anyone dead

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'Blegh, my mouth tastes like shit,' was the first thought I had when I woke up. I got up with a few grunts, my entire body whining and complaining about wanting to sleep more. I trudged my way over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hopefully get the awful taste out of my mouth. After all my morning stuff was done and I was wearing my paladin armor, I made my way down to the Bridge where everyone already was, standing in a semi-circle around Allura's platform, except Coran who was up at the front. "Morning."

"Good morning, (y/n)," Shiro replied. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired, but besides that, pretty normal."

"Oh, (y/n), you never took your phone back, so I have it in my room," Pidge said.

"Ah, thanks Pidge. I'll get it later," I said as I stood between Shiro and Pidge.

"Also, you left before I got to answer your question: no, we have not invented time travel."

"Wait, you mean all of that wasn't a dream!?" I shouted before murmuring "well, damn" under my breath.

"(y/n), are you sure you're okay?" Shiro asked, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just a lot to take in, suddenly finding out everything you ever knew is gone. I'll be fine though, so don't worry," I sent him a reassuring smile, but the concerned frown remained on his face.

"We'll be arriving at the Balmera soon," Allura spoke before anyone else could question my state of being. "Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy."

"So, what's the plan? We go in there and just—pow, pow, pow!" Lance pretended to shoot with hand guns with every 'pow.' "And free the prisoners?"

"What was that noise?" Keith had a weird look on his face.

"Laser guns," Lance said with a tone that oozed with something that was a mix between confidence and smugness.

"No, Lance, I think you mean—pkeuw pkeuw pkeuw!" (I have no idea how to spell the sounds he made) Hunk corrected, also doing a set of motions to symbolize firing a gun. "Pkeuw!" He finished with a move that looked like he was shooting a giant laser cannon.

"That sounds like fireworks," Lance disagreed with Hunk.

"Technically, they're more like—ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!" Pidge hopped on the band wagon.

"No, no, no, it's gotta be—pew, pew, pew! Like that cliché sci-fi noise that the guns at laser-tag make," I joined in, because I knew that I was most definitely right.

"Okay, enough with the bad sound effects," Shiro scolded us like a hot dad. "Besides, it's more like—blam, blam, blam!"

"What! No way!" from Lance.

"You're crazy," from Pidge.

"Uh, wrong," from Hunk.

"Paladins, focus," it was Allura's turn to get our attention.

"But we are focusing," I interrupted. "We gotta know what sound affect to make when we—sorry—Hunk and Lance shoot their guns... Unless my scythe is also a gun?!" 'Nah, that could never work.' Allura gave me a cold look that just screamed she wasn't about to take my shit. I shut up.

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