What do you mean my "Bayard isn't a Light Saber?!"

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I followed Allura into a room with six tube-like structures lined up against a round wall, all of which were empty except one. Allura led me to said 'tube,' which was just right of center, that held a white set of armor identical to the sets the other paladins were wearing except with purple accents instead.

'Aha! So, I was right! I am purple. As in, I'm the purple paladin. I'm not the noun purple; that would mean that I'd have no physical shape- I'd just be an idea. Ok. Stop it, (y/n). You've had enough of a psychological acid trip to last you a life time already, no need to add to it and finally make your brain implode. We are trying to survive here- why the hell am I referring to myself as we? I've been over this before with myself so why do you keep doing it? I guess I can be considered 'we' because I'm having a conversation with myself, meaning that it is me and myself. So maybe it's grammatically correct? Ah screw it, a conversation means there are two sides, even if it is one person doing both sides, therefore using 'we' is totally justified... Dammit (y/n), you've done it again- inner monologuing too long. I don't think they've noticed yet so just pretend that you were paying attention to whatever Allura was telling you, capisce*?'

"This is your armor. Don it and then we shall get to your bayard," Allura said right after I decided to pay attention again. Thank goodness she didn't ask a question or quiz me or something.

. . .

'Okay, I think I've got this armor on right. I certainly hope so. Pants-check. Breastplate, including arm things-check. Boots-check. Under suit/jumpsuit thing with socks and gloves included-check. And helmet-check. Okay, I think that's everything and it fits pretty well. I'm gonna take the helmet off though; feels too much like I put a fishbowl on my head, and it squishes my hair against me in an uncomfortable way. I'm gonna ask Allura for something to keep the hair out of my face... Wow, I talk to myself a lot. Or am I talking to myself the normal amount? Ah whatever; let's just get back to Allura and the others.' I was in another room to put on my armor as Allura was kind enough to guide me to one. I value my privacy. After a few turns, not that I was lost or anything (I was but don't tell anyone that), I made it back to Allura and the others.

"Ah, (y/n), please come over here and take your bayard," Allura said while waving me over to a glass case.

"Sooo, what exactly is a bayard? Is it like a sword or something?" I asked while making my way over to Allura, Coran and the other paladins standing nearby.

"The bayard is a weapon whose shape conforms to that which will best fit its paladin," She responded to me. "So, it can take the form of a sword, but many other things as well."

'Alright, so it's kinda like a spirit animal except it's a weapon. Cool.'

"So, how does this work? Do I need to activate it like it's a light saber or something?" I got a blank look from Allura when I said, 'light saber'. 'Oh right. Aliens. They don't know about Star Wars. Kind of ironic, don't you think?'

"Just take a hold of it, and its form will change," she said, losing the blank look on her face.

With a shrug, I grabbed a hold of it by the handle. I don't even know how to really describe the shape of the bayard in its non-weapon mode, so I'm just gonna call it a thing. I lifted it up and let out a 'woah!' as it suddenly changed forms in my hands, causing me to almost drop it. Steadying my grip, I looked at it and realized that I just got a giant stick. Or staff. Or a giant wand maybe? Dammit, it's not a light saber. Unless it's a super long light saber? I looked up. Oh wait. Never mind. It's a scythe. Holy shit it's a scythe; that's fucking cool. Not as cool as a Light Saber, but still! I can be just like the grim reaper! A space Grim Reaper! Oh... wait... I don't know how to use one. And is it taller than me?

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