It's not Unusual...

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"The monster fell from the sky!" The Arusian king spoke, narrating the play the Arusians were performing the entrance hall of the Castle of Lions. "It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!" The Arusians representing Voltron fell over. "No. I said, 'Voltron was victorious!'" The Arusians got back up and hen knocked down the Arusians forming the Galra robeast. The rest of the Arusians cheered and held up their glasses of some kind of purple drink.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for that wonderful production," Allura said, though it was obvious that she didn't think it was all that great. "It saddens me that we must leave tomorrow, but we must continue our battle with Zarkon and spread peace throughout the universe. Your Highness..." Allura turned to the Arusian King, "Please accept this gift," Allura presented him with a blue and white device, small enough to fit comfortably in your hand. The Arusian King picked it up. "This will allow you to contact us anytime you need help. Arus will be the first planet in the Voltron Alliance."

"Hoorah!" The Arusian King shouted to the croud. The rest of the Arusians cheered and began to play some of their traditional music.

"We ought to get something like that," Hunk said as he approached Lance, Keith, and me.

"Like what?" Lance asked.

"Y'know, like, a cheer," Hunk exclaimed. "Like, a team cheer that we do."

"Mm-hmm," Lance hummed in agreement. "Yeah, okay. How about, uh..." Lance put a hand up to his chin in thought. "I say 'Vol' and you say 'Tron.' Vol!"

"Uh... Voltron?" Keith answered, unsure of what Lance was asking.

I put a hand over my mouth to stifle my giggles. It didn't work. They stared at me questioningly. "Sorry, sorry, it's just that-" I was interrupted by my own giggles. "Lance, I-I'll do it this time. Shoot."

"Okay, Keith, watch closely. The cheer includes the instructions," Lance explained before turning to me. "I say 'Vol' and you say 'tron.' Vol!"

"Tron!" I shouted back.

"Vol!" Lance.

"Tron!" Me. "God, I feel like a cheerleader. That reminds me, do any of you know this cheer?" I asked before shouting, "What team?!"

Keith looked at me strangely, "Voltron?"

"Eh, good enough I guess," I told him, "but the correct answer was 'WILDCATS!'" I got strange looks from Lance and Hunk while Keith seemed to be thinking hard on what I said. "Yknow, from 'High School Musical?'" Lance and Hunk just looked at me strangely, while Keith still looked like he was thinking.

"I've never heard of that," Lance answered me.

"Yeah, me neither," Hunk said.

"Actually, I think- I think I've seen that before. But years ago," Keith responded.

"Ah, thank the lord somebody knew what I was talking about," I said, giving a dramatic sigh in relief. "Lance, I expected better from you."

"Huh, wait, why me?!" Lance asked in a mock-offended tone.

I laughed and turned away, going up to Shiro who was standing at the entrance of the Castle of Lions. "Hey, Shiro."

"Oh, (y/n), hi."

We stood there in silence for a few seconds, idly looking out at the rolling hills and grassy plains before I spoke up, "Shiro, I, I just..." I stumbled over my words and sighed, "Thank you."

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