Phone Freak-out

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"Umm, yeah...? What about it?" I asked her quizzically.

"No way! How did you get your hands on one of these?! Can I hold it?!" Pidge asked as soon as she ran up to me.

"Sure thing...? As long as you don't break it, it's fine," I said, handing her the phone.

"I can't believe you have one of these-- they're ancient!" She began to mess with the buttons and was met with the menacing 'I'm dead so you better plug me in' interface. "And it's still functional!"

"Sure, it may not be the newest model, but that doesn't mean it's ancient," I grumbled out. "And of course it still works, I make sure to take care of it."

"Not ancient? What are you talking about? This belongs in a museum! In fact, I don't think I've ever seen one that still works in my life! Heck, I don't know if any more of them that work even exist!" She took my charger from me and plugged it into her laptop, beginning to charge my phone.

"Um, okay, Pidge? You have completely lost me at this point," I had never felt more confused in my life—wait no, scratch that, I have. I never was good at (subject).

"How can you still be actively using it? Aren't you afraid to use it knowing it won't last too long? Artefacts like these should be preserved before they stop working all together!" She had completely disregarded my last statement, still enraptured with my phone, eagerly waiting for it to power back on.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do with a phone? Not use it? And they're not supposed to last long. Only long enough so that you'll keep buying their products when your old phone breaks. Y'know, capitalism and all that."

"(y/n), what are you talking about? You can't just buy another one of these!"

"Um, yeah, I can. Sure, it's expensive and will cost me a few hundred bucks, but what choice do I have? Get an older, cheaper, used model that will only last me two months?"

Now it was Pidge's turn to look absolutely confused. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait just a second. Just how old do you think this is?"

"I don't know exactly, but only a few years. I mean, smart phones are a pretty recent thing, after all."

It was silent for a moment before Pidge spoke up again. "Hey, (y/n)? Can I ask you something? And promise me-- promise me that you won't ask why."

"Um, okay...shoot."

"What—what year is it?" She was serious. She wasn't joking. She had a super concerned look on her face.

"2018(or whatever year it is when you're reading this)—um, Pidge are you okay?" I was now looking very concerned as her face just blanched right in front of me.

"We're going to the Bridge. Now. Come on," Pidge commanded, quickly grabbing my phone off the charger and taking my hand, rushing me up to the Bridge.

"Woah, hey, Pidge, what's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

"Bridge first. Talk later."

"Okay then..."

Pidge didn't let go of my hand until we had arrived at the Bridge where Coran and Allura were already at. "Allura, Coran, I need you to call everyone in here immediately. We've got a situation on our hands that needs addressing.

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