Once Upon a Dream

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"Oh, no," Pidge broke the short moment of silence.

"Please tell me there's not a giant monster in there," Hunk started to ramble from panic, "please tell me it's empty! Or full of space candy. One of those two. Either one is fine."

"I don't think it's a pinata, Hunk," Lance actually sounded serious for once when he said that. Go figure.

"Ah—Schrödinger's cat! It's a possibility!" I spoke up because I would have absolutely loved if there was space candy in there. I miss Earth sweets.

"It's more likely to be another monster," Keith shot down our hopes for space candy, "And if it's the same kind of monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it."

"Mind if I but in for a second?" I didn't give them a chance to grant me permission, "People learn from mistakes. That's why we're taught history in school: So we don't repeat those same mistakes—off topic sorry. But yeah. This is war. I doubt they're going to send something that we learned to defeat."

"There's only one way to find out," Shiro said while Keith equipped Voltron's sword, and Pidge its shield. "Hold your ground!"

It was silent for a moment before the metal coffin clicked and gas spewed out of the cracks. The front fell down with a solid thud, the remaining sides following soon after, kicking up a dust cloud. Our vision was obscured for but a second before the dust settled, leaving a new robot in our wake. The weird part was, it looked as if it had teeth glued onto its "mouth." Like, actual bones. Are teeth bones? I think they are. Or everything I've been told is a lie. A radioactive-green light glowed brightly at the center of the robot's chest before firing a laser in our direction, colliding with our shield. The stream didn't let up, pushing us back a fair distance.

"It's not candy!" Hunk shouted, completely distraught.

"And it's not the same monster!" Thank you, Lance. I couldn't tell.

With a spin to the left, we broke away from the laser, leading to Shiro giving out our first orders, "We need to draw its fire away from the Balmera's surface!"

We had to dodge its lasers a few more times before we were able to close in on it to strike. Unfortunately, it ducked under the blade as we ran at it, giving it an opening to hit us. We lost balance for but a moment but were able to regain it using the jet boosters on Voltron's legs. Dodging more laser fire, we flew over it, which once again left us open, leaving us with no choice but to shield instead of dodge. Wasting no time, I diverted as much power as I could to maintaining the shield's integrity, but it was struggling against the steady beam.

"We can't hold out!" Lance began to panic now.

"My lion's weakening!" Upon Pidge's comment I tried to siphon some power from the red lion to put into the green lion. "If the shield sustains structural damage, we're done for!"

Lance and Keith started to bicker a little bit because what kind of a team would we be if they didn't bicker in the middle of battle. And then we slipped. The shield fell out of our hand in two pieces. We all grunted at the impact when we hit the ground, my head hitting the back of my chair.

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