Under a Different Sky

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After spending some time laughing with Keith (it was really more of me cracking myself up and Keith looking at me like I was crazy), we headed down to the bridge/main control area/ whatever it was called. During our walk, Keith filled me in on everything that had happened since I passed out. Apparently, I had thrown my scythe at Sendak and hit his back. I don't remember doing that though. I was also told that he was being kept frozen in a cryo-pod in the castle. We were also heading to "Balmera" to help some people out that Hunk had met when getting a replacement crystal, and the castle itself was a spaceship. Oh, and Pidge revealed that she was a girl. Thank goodness; I was struggling with trying not to mis-gender her. Upon arriving at the bridge, I saw Allura at what I assumed to be the helm, Coran up near the front, and the rest of the Paladins were over to the left.

"Yo, didja miss me?" I called out as I approached them.

"(y/n), I'm glad to see you're doing well," Shiro smiled at me.

"Me too," I smiled back.

"Oh, (y/n), I meant to tell you that I'm actually a-"

"A girl?" I cut Pidge off. "I know. Keith caught me up on everything I missed." I nodded my head in Keith's direction.

"But anyway, what's goin' on right now?"

"Well, we're currently on our way to the Balmera to free the Balmerans from the Galra," Pidge said as I went and took a seat on the steps to her left.

"So, when we get there, what do you think?" Hunk asked, pacing behind Pidge and me. "Do we just roll up and start blasting? Or do we land and have some kind of public address system, like, 'Attention, Galras, this is Voltron. Turn yourselves in?'" Hunk puffed up his chest, hands on his hips before deflating and slouching in defeat. No. Blasting, right?"

"Hunk, calm down," Keith started doing the hands-patting-air-calm-down-motion before leaning back against the wall and crossing his arms. "And, yes, blasting."

"It's our first big rescue mission. He's excited," Shiro explained for Hunk.

"Excited to see his new girlfriend," Pidge teased, leaning back so her head was upside-down when she looked at Hunk.

"Oooooh, I didn't hear about this," I perked up and turned around, staring straight at Hunk. "Who is this 'new girlfriend,' hmm?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him, interested.

"Ah- She's not my girlfriend!" Hunk retaliated, looking away from us. "She's just a rock that I met and I admire very much." Before Hunk could say anything more, the alarm began to sound.

"What is it?" Shiro asked Coran, quickly spinning around to face him. "Are we being attacked?"

"No, it seems to be a distress beacon," Coran replied, still looking at his console.

"It's coming from a nearby moon," Allura spoke this time. "Apparently, a ship has lost power."

"I wonder who it is," Pidge stated, now standing.

"Whoever it is will have to wait," Hunk said from behind me, a stern and determined tone to his voice. "Shay has first priority. We can check back on them when we're done."

"The Paladin Code states that we must help all those in need," Allura said, now looking at Hunk.

"Hunk, we need to go help them," I said, now standing and facing Hunk. "If they've been stranded without power for a while, they may not have very much time left. Think about it; no power means no refrigeration, no heating, no cooling. If they're stuck in an extreme environment or have no fresh food left, then we're their only hope."

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