Dying Under Starlight

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@vicsanaredvi on the platform wattpad!


I woke to nothing in particular, just my body deciding that it'd slept for long enough. It felt like it was never enough. Still a little disoriented, I laid there with the feeling that I was forgetting something important, but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was. 'Think, (y/n), think! What am I forgetting...?'

The events of yesterday rushed back all at once, those synchronized voices plaguing my thoughts once more. "I even invited them to speak with me; what am I, crazy?!... But they decided not to do it, huh? Not even in my dreams, like they've done before." I sighed, "I don't know what I was expecting. Guess I should count myself lucky, shouldn't I?"

I was interrupted from my monologue by an upset gurgle from my stomach. "Really? Right now? I'd rather not get up right now." I was met with a more aggressive growl from my impatient stomach. "Okay, okay; let's go get you some breakfast. Is it breakfast? I don't really have a sense of earth time in space."

Crawling out of bed with the complexion and joints of a zombie, I slunk my way down to the kitchen. It was oddly quiet in the hallways. I was so used to hearing slight noises in the background, like the muffled tinkering echoing from Pidge's hangar, or the distant clangs resounding from the training room. The kitchen was barren when I arrived, no sign of the others anywhere. Maybe I woke up much earlier than I thought. Opening up the cabinet in the island, I pulled out a dish and walked over to the food goo dispenser and squirted some onto my plate. It's still so unnerving to think about eating this stuff because it looks just like that slime that people make at home. Placing my unsettlement aside, I slurped up the goop and placed the empty plate in the sink. And just like before, I slunk back to my room, meeting no life on my way. Watching my door slide open, I was met with sweet darkness, letting my eyes relax. Flopping back down on my bed, I curled myself up into a blanket cocoon, content and relaxed. I really didn't feel like dealing with anything else right now. Those voices and the events from yesterday were still occupying all my thoughts.

A knock on the door forced me out of my head. I was waiting for whoever now had my attention to come in and greet me, but it didn't open. Reluctantly shedding my blanket burrito, I got up and answered the door with a groan. A Shiro with his brows slightly drawn turned out to be the one who forced me out of my comfortable cocoon state, but I couldn't bring myself to be annoyed at him.

"Oh, Shiro, hey. Did you need something?"

"I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday, when you weren't responding."

"Oh, yeah, that. Of course," I motioned him inside before taking a seat on my bed and patting the spot next to me for him to take a seat too.

Shiro sat down next to me. We didn't look at each other though. We just sat there for a moment in silence. And then he spoke.

"(y/n)... what happened back there?" He turned and looked at me.

I looked back at him, but turned my attention back to my open palms in my lap. "I—I don't... I don't know, Shiro. It was just— I was—" my hands began to tremble. "Everything was gone, Shiro, everything. I was—I was gone."

"Hey," Shiro closed his hand around mine. "(y/n), I want you to look at me, okay? Can you do that?"

Slowly, I tore my gaze away from my lap and trailed up towards Shiro. His eyes were soft. They still gleamed with concern, but it was heavily outweighed by utmost care and comfort.

"Alright, now breathe with me. In and out, okay?" I did as he asked, taking deep breaths in sync with him and then letting them out. I could feel my trembling begin to cease and my muscles relax the longer I breathed with him. "Good, you're doing great, (y/n)," I hadn't noticed that he'd been rubbing my arms until now. "There we go. Everything's gonna be alright." He removed his hands from me only when he noticed that I had completely calmed down, but they still lingered with my own. "You okay? Do you still want to talk about what happened?"

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