Bonus Chapter 1

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For everyone who's new to my style of writing, allow me to explain what bonus chapters are. They're basically points within the story when you, the reader, are unconscious or not present, meaning that it'll be part of the story told from the other characters' experiences or views, if that makes sense. Or it'll be the other characters' thoughts and such, which you technically can't hear, so it still counts. In short, it's just the paladins' point of view during specific points of the story. In other words, bonus chapters help create dramatic irony n stuff. Bonuses can either be chapters in themselves, or small portions within other chapters.

Hope you enjoy~

After having damaged the Galra cruiser and made their escape, the paladins had successfully carried the purple lion back to Arus (minus the one incident where Lance had veered away from the purple lion to avoid colliding with an asteroid, causing Hunk to accidentally push the purple lion head first into the asteroid, but we don't talk about that).

The paladins stepped out of their respective lions (besides Shiro who was in the green lion with Pidge) and began to approach the purple lion whose forcefield was surprisingly deactivated. Shiro stopped in front of the purple lion and removed his helmet, the other paladins following suit. Shiro took a single additional step forward before beginning to speak.

"Is your paladin with you? We want to make sure they're alright," Shiro pauses, waiting for an answer of some sort, only to be greeted with silence. "Please, we'd only like to help them, so will you let us in?" There is a moment of silence before the lion leant down and opened its jaw, allowing the paladins to enter.

A small smile appeared on Shiro's face as a small sign of thanks before he entered the purple lion. Lance and Pidge followed close behind, both beaming in excitement, though for different reasons; Pidge's being so excited about the new and advanced technology, curious about if there's anything different between the purple lion and the others, and Lance's being excited to find out if the purple paladin is cute, because he hope to dear lord that they are. A nervous Hunk trailed behind the three, muttering his worries under his breath.

"Are we really sure about this? If it's a good idea? I mean, what if they're an enemy waiting to ambush us? Or worse, some kind of alien monster about to eat us alive after wrapping us up like human burritos?! Oh, I knew this was a bad idea!" Everyone just kind of ignored Hunk's nervous fretting and continued forward. Finally, a cautious Keith was bringing up the rear, bayard in hand, ready to strike at anything aboard that might be a threat.

Upon entering the cockpit of the Lion, Shiro immediately approached the seat in the center. Rounding the side, he saw what appears to be a fellow human, a girl at that, roughly around (age range) years old. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and (s/t) skin, and seemed to be wearing fairly casual clothes, along with a (color) jacket that had a jagged rip at the hem, a couple inches in length. Her eyes were closed, and she didn't appear to be moving. Shiro quickly ran up to her and put two fingers up against where her pulse would be on her (neck/wrist)*. He let out a sigh of relief when he felt her pulse beneath his fingertips, before gently placing his hands on her shoulders instead. This close up, he could also notice the gentle rise and fall of her chest, further easing his worries.

"Hey, are you alright?" He tries to ask her, not noticing Lance entering the room, approaching him and the girl. Not getting a response, Shiro carefully brings his arms under her knees and her upper back, about to lift her up and carry her bridal style.

"Woah, she's a total knock-out!**" Lance exclaimed, now next to Shiro, looking at the girl as Shiro lifted her up and out of her seat.

"Lance." Shiro gives Lance a stern look, effectively stopping Lance from making any more comments. The rest of the paladins file in immediately afterwards, noticing the girl in Shiro's arms.

"Is she the paladin of the purple lion? What happened to her?" Pidge asked.

"It seems she is, but I'm not sure what happened to her," Shiro replied, "We can only hope that it was the initial shock that caused her to faint and not something more serious." Shiro then carried the girl out of the lion, bringing her towards the med bay, the other paladins in tow.

"Shiro, are you sure it's a good idea to bring her inside?" Keith asks, holding a suspicious gaze on the girl. "She could be a threat."

"That's a risk we'll have to take," Shiro replied. "She may be a threat, but she may also not be. What matters is that she could be hurt and we have to help her. Not to mention, she's now our teammate as a paladin of Voltron." Shiro says, his face serious at first before melting into a reassuring smile when he shifts his gaze over to Keith.

"Plus, she appears to be human too, so I doubt she's a threat because how many humans are this far out in space, let alone fighting for the Galra Empire?" Pidge asks rhetorically, a confident smile adorning her face. Keith just sighed in reluctant acceptance, and finally put away his bayard.

Stepping into the Castle of Lions, the paladins met up with Allura and Coran. Allura's face lit up but soon morphed into a concerned look when she saw the girl in Shiro's arms.

"Coran, can you get one of the cryopods ready?" Shiro asked.

"Already on it!" Coran replied, already halfway down the hall.

"Is this the purple paladin? Is she hurt?" Allura asked.

"Yeah, we believe she's the paladin, but as for her condition, we're not sure yet," Shiro replied in a serious tone, the concerned look on his face mirroring Allura's.

"We better get her to a pod quickly then," Allura stated. "Let's go."

The paladins and Allura quickly made their way down to the med bay, welcomed by the sight of Coran next to an open cryopod, ready for use.

"Thanks, Coran," Shiro sincerely said before gently placing the girl in the cryopod, stepping back as he and the others watched it close. Coran went to the console, looking over the data he began to receive from the cryopod on the girl's condition.

"Alright then, give it a couple of vargas and she'll be up and ready to go!" Coran said enthusiastically.

"Then all we have to do is wait," Shiro said before Allura spoke up right afterwards.

"In the meantime, you can all get to the training deck. It's time we start getting you ready to fit the title of being a paladin." She said, hand on her hips and her lips drawing into a determined smirk.

*You can check a person's pulse from certain points on their neck or their wrist, but for some people, such as myself, it is near impossible to feel my pulse at my wrist, so here you can choose whatever works best.

**Do people use the term "Knock-out" to describe someone anymore? Or is that term too old? Well, I still use it and for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it is used to describe someone who is drop-dead gorgeous. I hope you know the expression "drop-dead gorgeous" or else I'm gonna feel REALLY old.

A/N: Woooo, first bonus chapter of the fic! And 1200 words at that. Well, it isn't much but I hope that you enjoyed it all the same~ Til next time cuties!



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