Contest Results

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Cover Contest Results!

Alright, this took quite a while, and I still haven't heard back from one contestant, but whatever, here we go!

In third place with a prize of a 1500+ word oneshot of the reader(or an OC) with the character of their choosing in a scenario of their choosing, is...

@hackedshadows on the platform sombra! Their art will be featured in one of the upcoming chapters!

In second place with a 2000+ word oneshot of the reader(or an OC) with the character of their choosing in a scenario of their choosing, is...

vicsanaredvi on the platform wattpad! Their entries will be featured in two of the upcoming chapters!

Finally, in first place with a 2500+ word oneshot of the reader(or an OC) with the character of their choosing in a scenario of their choosing, is...

Nao_Elixir5 on the platform wattpad! Their entry is now the official cover for this fic! (On Ao3 it will be featured in all chapters without other images)

Thank you all so much for entering in the contest, your works were all absolutely beautiful! Winners, please DM me with the details you want for your prize so we can hash out the details! You can either message me here, or through my discord: Threbony#9314

Thank you so much, and I hope to see you all again soon!



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