I Just Wanna Listen to the Space Whale

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As soon as we entered the core of the Balmera, the Galra doors slammed shut behind us, preventing us from leaving. Looking around, I noticed that all the other doors had also been shut, so we really had no way of exiting.

"Not an ambush. More like a trap," Hunk pointed out.

"Whatever it is, keep your guard up," Keith said as Shiro and Pidge jumped down from the higher level to where the rest of us were, including Shay.

"The Galra, they gained knowledge that you would return to the Balmera," Shay said.

"How?" Pidge asked from behind her.

"I know not," Shay responded, turning to face Pidge. "But they set this trap just for you. I was the bait." She looked so dejected to have been used in such a way, that I couldn't help but give her a reassuring smile as I put a hand on her shoulder. She smiled back in understanding, but still had that sad look in her eyes.

"Who could have possibly known that we were heading here to save Shay?"

"Rolo," Hunk said, realizing that there was close to no other explanation. "Those liars must have told Zarkon."

"We have to figure out how to get out of here," Shiro firmly stated, taking a step back towards the door he came from.

"Wait! We have a giant Castle ship hovering in the sky," Lance pointed out. "Allura, can you please come get us?"

"How do you expect her to do that, genius?" Keith rejected Lance's suggestion.

"I don't know, maybe they got teleporters or something," Lance defended.

"I think they would've told us before hand if they could just beam us back up to the ship," I put in my point, holding back from saying 'beam me up, Scotty.'

"We're quite occupied at the moment," Allura's voice came through the coms, followed by a grunt. "We're completely surrounded by Galra ships, and we're taking heavy fire! Paladins, you need to get out of there as soon as you can!"

"This is it! We're going to die in here," Lance whined, having immediately given up. "I can say bye-bye to that parade." We all just stared at Lance in disbelief that he was worried about a parade of all things.

"Get it together, guys," Shiro took our attention away from Lance. "Allura, we'll get there as soon as we can."

"Perhaps my people can help us get out," Shay offered, before placing her hand on the large orange core with off-shoots that glowed blue in the center of the room. "This is how we communicate. The Balmera senses our vibrations and sends a message to those in the tunnels."

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