Nosediving again... Welp, time for me to eat dirt

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Coran cleared his throat as the lights came on in the training deck we were in. The other paladins and I were all standing in a circle, our backs to each other. I stood between Hunk and Keith.

"Two, two, one, two," Coran's voice echoed throughout the deck. "Okay, listen up, guys. The paladin code demands you put your team members' safety above your own. A swarm of drones is about to attack." I heard a small 'huh?' come from Keith on my right. "It's up to each of you to do everything you can to protect the other members of your team." As Coran was speaking, these small, floating metal spheres with a single eye? Camera? Laser shooting thingy? on them came out from some ducts in the walls. The drones began circling us. Instinctively I brought my arm up to try and shield my face from an upcoming attacks when a light blue, semi-translucent shield popped out from my arm. Well then.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," Hunk spoke up from my left, "What's going on?" Hunk gasped and flinched when his shield appeared on his arm. "Woah. Did you guys get one of these?"

"Get ready," I heard Shiro's voice come from behind me.

The drones began to shoot at us and I heard a grunt from Hunk, then one from Pidge, and then a scream from Pidge.

"Pidge?!" I yelled out and looked behind me, but Pidge was already gone. "Hhg!" I grunted and stumbled a bit when I felt a laser come in contact with my shield.

"Protect your teammates or no one will be there to protect you!" As Coran was speaking, Hunk was also shot and proceeded to join Pidge.

On my right I was Keith backing up, so I proceeded to do the same until I felt my back press up against somebody. Glancing to my right I saw Keith, and to my left I saw Lance, which meant that Shiro was behind me.

"Time to increase intensity," Coran's voice came through the speakers again. Suddenly the drones began circling us much more quickly, to the point where they were mere blurs. Suddenly I was hit in the hip by one of them and I felt the ground open beneath me.

"WoAAAAAH," I screamed as I fell down. 'I'm not cut out for this sort of thing...'

. . .

Keith and I were up in the viewing room with Coran, watching Lance down in the training deck below us in a holographic maze. Keith was going to guide Lance through the maze and I was up next to guide one of the other paladins afterwards.

"To form Voltron, you must trust in each other," Coran spoke into his headset. "This ancient paladin maze will teach you that trust."

'Why not just do trust falls? That's what they had us do all the time back in grade school,' I thought to myself.

"Your teammate can see the walls, but you cannot," Coran said as the maze in the training deck disappeared. So, listen carefully. If you tough the walls, you'll get a slight shock."

Lance put his helmet on, "Wait. Who's guiding me through?"

"Take two steps forward," Keith said.

"Oh, no. Not Keith," I saw Lance slouch a little. "Why does he get to be the man on the mic? Can't I have someone else like (y/n) or Allura?"

"Now, just sit tight," Coran replied, giving no heed to Lance's inquiry. "You'll get your turn."

"Like I said, take two steps forward, turn right, and take three steps that direction," Keith restated, looking at a holographic map of the maze.

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