Human Hugs? No. Small Alien Hugs? Yes.

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Important! Do you guys want shorter chapters that come out quicker or longer chapters that come out slower? Tell me in the comments, please!


Up above the door that lead from the dining room into the hallway, a large screen turned on, showing just outside the entrance of the castle. On the screen, I saw a small lizard I think? But it walked on two legs. I watched it quickly run behind a rock, then slowly poke its head out as the screen zoomed in on its face.

"What is that?" Keith asked."

"I don't know what it is," Allura responded. "Maybe it's a local Arusian." The Arusian, now holding its blade, scrambled over to another rock closer to the castle. "He's approaching the castle." The Arusian poked his head out again, glancing from side to side, before running to another rock, shouting and waving his sword. He poked his head out from behind this rock too.

"Aw!" Hunk cooed at it.

"Doesn't look too dangerous," Lance commented.

"You never know," Keith shot back, summoning his bayard.

"I wanna pet it," I mumbled aloud. "Allura," she looked at me, "can we go pet it?"

"I don't know if they would appreciated being pet, but let's go welcome them," Allura Answered. "Alteans believe in peace first," she directed to Keith, signaling him to put away his bayard. She then turned back to the door and walked towards it.

"That's adorable," Hunk said, quickly following Allura, me right behind him.

"Hey, maybe we can knit him a little sweater!" Lance exclaimed, now right next to me.

"I'm not taking any chances," I heard Keith say behind me before he began to follow us.

. . .

"Greetings," Allura said, slightly bending down to a bush that we were now all looking at. "We know you're there. No harm will come to you." The Arusian suddenly shouted and jumped out of the bush, his sword raised and pointed at us.

"Aw!" Hunk cooed again.

'Gaaaahhh I really wanna pet it. Them. Whoever they are.'

"Wait! He could be dangerous," Keith stepped in front of Allura. "Drop your weapon!" He raised his bayard.

"No one takes Klaizap's weapon!" Who I assumed to be "Klaizap" said and pointed its weapon at Keith.

I put a hand on Keith's right shoulder and he looked over at me. "Keith. Not cool man. Pick on someone your own size," I said to him. He was still holding that scowl on his face. Sighing, since it seemed I still gotten through to him, I leaned in close and whispered "Hey how ya doing lil momma let me whisper in your ear*His sword is made of stone and we literally have a castle that can shoot lasers. Chill." Reluctantly, Keith lowered his bayard.

"Please, kind sir, accept my most humble apologies," Allura said, looking down towards the Arusian.

The Arusian let out a little 'huh?' and slightly lowered its weapon, a bit confused. He then stood straight, his weapon now pointed towards the ground, "I am Klaizap, bravest of our warriors. Our village is over Gazrel Hill."He gestured to the left. "I come seeking answers as to why the Lion Goddess is angered with her followers."

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