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This will be a continuous Q&A, being updated whenever I get a new question in. Don't be afraid to ask anything on your mind unless it's political because I don't dabble in that shit. But even if you wanna know something as simple as do you like whales? Just ask and I'll answer. (I like whales.)

1. From Skylar O'Shea on AO3: Which do you enjoy writing more, fanfiction or original works? Why?

a. I actually enjoy writing original works more, but they're a lot harder for me to keep going then fanfiction because I have to plan out all of the plot line, while in fanfics I only have to plan out some of it. But I enjoy writing original works more because I get to use my own characters who are my babies and I love watching them all grow and interact and I just feel so much like a mom. I do get some of the same degree from fanfics, but not as much since the characters aren't my own babies, but somebody else's. All in all, I just want to feel loved. (^ v ^)

2. From mmartinez5426  on Wattpad: How many parts or episodes are in this fanfic? Or in this case, how long will this fanfic be?

a. How many parts, well, I have no fucking clue. But I'm planning on getting all the way to the end of Voltron, as well as... tweaking some things along the way *cough cough* season 8 *cough* but there also will be some more original content coming (just you wait until we finish the first season, I've got some good stuff planned out).

3. From @anime375 on Quotev: Who do you think is best boi!?

a. Okay, I'm taking this in two different ways:1) who's my favorite or 2) who in general is just the bestest boi. So I'll answer both. Keith is my personal favorite (don't worry this fic won't just turn into a keith x reader, there will be separate endings), but the best boi has got to be Hunk. Like, how can you not just love that big cinnamon roll?

4. From Vicsanaredvi on Wattpad: Will there be any shipping in this book? If so, who?

a. Putting in ships in a reader-insert book is like talking about politics at the dinner table to me: everybody just gets riled up and then feels awkward or shitty in some form or another, so I don't plan to put any ships besides x-reader to avoid any potential chaos. The only kinds of shipping that will occur that aren't x-reader will only be if I think they are significant to the plot of the story. I'll update this when I think of any ships I'll have.

5. From livlove_anime on Wattpad: Why is the title Perpendicular?

a. Well if I told you that, it'd give away a huge plot point that's happening fairly soon. So you'll have to stay tuned and find out~ I'll let you speculate on that a little bit. Please let me know any thoughts as to why you think I've named it such; I'm curious and anxious to know everyone's thoughts.

Perpendicular: The Beginning (Voltron x reader)Where stories live. Discover now