Can I Use the Tornado Drill for an Earthquake?

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"Hey, Allura?" I tapped on her shoulder.

"Yes, what is it, (y/n)?" She asked, glancing back to look at me.

"I think I'm gonna go and wander a bit, okay?"

"Alright, but may I ask why?"

"I just- this is just a little too much social interaction all at once. I need a little break. Y'know, some alone time."

"Alright, just make sure you are not gone for too long."

"Gotcha. I just need a couple minutes. I'll be back soon," I smiled at her and turned around, heading out towards the edge of the Arusian village.

'Hah...this is so much better. Nice fresh air, not having to constantly interact with people. Don't get me wrong, I like people, and I like hugs, I just don't like hugging strangers and I don't like talking to a huge crowd of people in a very condensed amount of time. It's way too stressful,' I thought to myself, taking a seat on the grass at the outskirts of the village.

With a small sigh, I laid down on the grass and closed my eyes, the stress of social interaction finally leaving me. So I just laid down in the grass, not sleeping, just feeling the gentle breeze against my face and hearing the rustles of the grass.

"Hello?" I heard a voice, belonging to Shiro, come through the radio in my suit.

"Shiro?" I heard Allura question.

"Where is everyone?"

It was then the ground began to rumble beneath me. Thinking it was an earthquake, I quickly flipped onto my stomach and covered the back of my neck, like you'd do in a tornado drill. Is this what you're supposed to do in an earthquake? I don't know. Just trying to protect my neck from potential falling objects. Like stuff from alien trees. I don't know what's in alien trees, so I'm gonna protect my neck. For all I know, there could be flying scorpions ready to pounce out of a tree near me. I then heard a whole bunch of commotion and shouting coming back from the center of the village. Taking my chances, I glanced up, seeing a crowd of Arusians quickly running to somewhere else with Allura pointing them in the right direction. I saw Hunk go with them until Keith grabbed him and pulled him back. Beginning to stand up, I was quickly brought back down to my knees as an even more powerful tremor shook with great intensity, before fading out a few seconds after. Standing up again, I saw the other paladins plus the Alteans already running back towards the castle. Following their lead, I quickly ran towards them, trying to catch up. Yeah, that didn't happen. I'm not the most "physically fit."

By the time I got back to the castle, the Alteans were in the control room, the paladins were nowhere in sight, and I was out of breath, ready to collapse. I looked like Miguel and Tulio after they climbed all those stairs up to the big temple. Staggering my way over to the bridge, I went through that whole convoluted process of getting to my lion. B the time I was finally in Rossa, the other lions were already long gone.

'I guess I assumed right thinking the paladins went to their lions. But what for? Hmmm.'

"Lay down some covering fire so they can get out of there!" I heard Keith's voice through the radio in my helmet.

"Wait, what's goin' on? Where is everybody?" I asked since I don't know what's going on, and I don't know how they know what's going on.

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