All These Traps Remind Me of Scooby-Doo

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This is a special that takes place post-Balmera, pre-season 2.

              It was yet another day of the Castle-ship traveling through space. I found myself in my room, lying in bed, doing jack shit. Like always. Until Allura's voice came over the intercom, that is.

              "Paladins, please report to the Bridge immediately. We've received a distress signal."

              I quickly threw on my paladin armor and ran down to the Bridge, meeting up with Pidge along the way. Shiro was the only one there before us. Keith, then Hunk, then Lance arrived shortly after.

              "Paladins, we've received a distress signal from the planet Sorif. Be prepared for landing and find out what's wrong."

              With a nod of our heads, we sat in our respective seats as we approached the surface. Once we were close enough, we got to our lions and flew down to the surface while the Castle-ship stayed in orbit.

              "I'm sending you all the coordinates," Allura said through the video connection, and sure enough a pair of coordinates popped up on my screen.

              The coordinates led us to a thick portion of forest, so under Shiro's instructions, we found a clearing nearby to land our lions. The trees were the largest kind I'd ever seen. If they were hollow, you could fit one of the lions in one easily. They seemed to almost scrape the clouds. After we landed, we started on foot to the coordinates, Shiro leading the way. It didn't take long until we came across what looked like a makeshift home carved into the base of one of the large trees. Knocking on the door made of thin, long branches (it looked like it was thrown together last-minute), we waited half a minute, but no one answered.

              "Hello? Is anyone home? We got your distress signal; we're here to help," Shiro explained.

              We waited about another half a minute before the door slowly creaked inwards, revealing the face of an alien being. They were a little under five feet tall, had a wide beige face with black cone-like ears, and had a black nose similar to a dog's. Their mouth was an upside-down V-shape, and their eyes were wide and round with yellow irises.

              "You said... you're here to help?" The being questioned hesitantly.

              "Yes, we're the paladins of Voltron, and we aim to help you however we can," Shiro said.

              "Then, please, do come in," they said and opened the door fully for us.

              One by one we entered the carved-out room, the taller people of the group had to bend over a little because the ceiling just barely reached five and a half feet high.

              "What's your name? And what happened here?" Shiro asked.

              "I am Murh, and my partner, Ehruv and I were sent here from our home planet, Lingan, to do research on the local flora for medicinal purposes. However, two days ago, at our research facility, where we also lived, this place is where the workers stayed while building the facility, there was a large explosion outside. I looked out the window and saw that our ship had been blown to smithereens! Soon after that, Ehruv ran up to me and told me that the Galra were attacking and that I needed to get out of there. 'What about you?' I had asked him. He said he needed to get the messenger boy, Nuris, who had come earlier that day to check on our progress out from the main laboratory in the basement. The ground floor is our living quarters and other regular rooms you'd find in a house, you see. All the laboratories and such are in the basement. He said not to worry and kept running towards one of the two stairwells. I quickly ran out of there and made my way here and sent the distress signal soon after. But, Ehruv and Nuris still haven't made it out of there. Please, I beg of you to get them out of there!"

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