I was Kidnapped by Space Power Rangers

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The first thing I felt was coldness, true icy bitterness. It felt it in my toes, my fingers, then a shiver running up my spine. It wasn't cold enough make me numb; I could still feel everything, but it was freezing enough that it made my limbs stiff. Struggling to barely crack my eyes open, I was unable to move besides a small involuntary twitch of my fingers. I was greeted with a cool blue, not light enough to be an icy blue, but not dark or green enough to remind me of an ocean's shallows. In my peripherals was only an off-white color, but that could just be from the light refracting off the blue. Then I began to hear the muted sound of moving machinery and the sudden rush of gas colliding with a new atmosphere of a warmer temperature, which I was sure of because I could feel the warm air suddenly caress my nose and cheeks, blowing my (h/l) (h/c) locks behind my ears. Then the sudden shock of pain as my nose met the ground. I had fallen without even realizing it. I hissed in pain, as the suddenness of it all made me completely regain my senses, but it was still hard to move. It took a few seconds before I was able to sit up and rub my nose in attempt to soothe the pain.

"Was I drugged or somethin'? 'Cause if I was, I swear I'm gonna murder somebody," I murmured to myself, beginning to stand up. Well, I was going to stand up until my knees buckled underneath me and I fell over again. "AAH-" my scream was cut off when I hit the ground, the wind getting knocked out of me.

Well great. Not only do I have a bruised nose, possibly even fractured (though I doubt it), but now my shoulder is gonna be bruised too. Sitting up while groaning in pain, I tenderly rubbed my shoulder in attempt to soothe it as well, even though I knew that it wouldn't do anything. Hearing what sounded like footsteps running closer to where I was at, my head snapped to the direction they were coming from, seeing what seemed like some sort of door? I'm gonna assume it's a door. I jumped a little as the "door" suddenly slid open, a group of people wearing white suits with different colored accents, as well as two other people who weren't wearing the matching suits. The two had elven ears and angular marks on their cheeks.

'Shit, were they the ones that drugged me? What are they gonna do? Did they already experiment on me without me knowing? Ah, shit. Ah, fuck; what do I do?' I thought to myself, no doubt sweating bullets.

"Hey there. The name's Lance, pilot extraordinaire, and the most handsome of the paladins," the one with tanned skin and brown hair, wearing the suit with blue accents said to me as he came up to me and gently held my hand in his.

"Ahhh...Ummmm...Uhhh..." I was left just blandly stuttering, but on the inside, I was screaming. 'AAAHHHH ABORT ABORT THE KIDNAPPERS/DRUGGERS HAVE ARRIVED AAAAAHHHHH- WHAT DO I DO?! WHAT IF THEY'RE ENEMIES?! BUT THEY LOOK LIKE SPACE POWER RANGERS, SO CAN THEY REALLY BE ENEMIES?! NNNNNNNNNN-AAAHHHH?! Ok, calm down (y/n), breath in and out. In and out. Ok. We're calm. Now what do we do? Ummmm.... OH OH OH, let's pretend we can't speak English! Then we can get sort of close to them and hear all their conversations and know what they're up to, because they won't realize that we're eavesdropping because they don't think we understand English! That way, we can learn if they're enemies or not! Perfect! Genius! It's foolproof! Why am I using 'we'? There's only one of me... Oh well. Operation: I can't speak English is a go! Wait, how long have I been spacing out? Shoot, I've just been staring at this dude! Quick speak French or something!'

"Oh, have you been captivated by my charming looks already?" The one in blue asked as I was spaced out, but I was too busy panicking to register that he said anything. All they saw was me, a broken, stuttering mess.

"Um, Lance? I think you broke them..." The one in yellow said to the one in blue.

"What? Nah, I'm pretty sure it's because she's stunned by my handsome face," the one in blue said with a smoldering grin. The one in black walked up to me with a worried look on his face, but I still didn't notice because I was still in my thoughts.

"Hey, are you alright?" the one in black asked me.

"Je ne peux pas vous coMPRENDRE!"(I can't understand you) I hurriedly stuttered out, partially screaming out 'comprendre' because a different person was right in front of me, and I was not expecting it. They all stared at me blankly for a moment before the one in green came up to me.

"Parlez-vous anglais?"(Do you speak English?) the green one asked me.

"Ah..." I stared at them with a blank stare on my face. 'Shit, they know French! And I'm not fluent enough in any other languages! Mission failed- might as well speak English because if they're better at French than I am, I'm screwed.' I thought dejectedly to myself.

"Um...hi there...it's nice to meet you? Heheh..." I said, well, more like asked, since I'm nervous as fuck, finishing it off with a nice sheepish laugh. 'Please don't be mad at me,' I inwardly pleaded.

"Oh good, you speak English. For a minute there I was worried that I'd have to talk to you in French," the green one said.

"Woah Pidge, you speak French?!" The blue one exclaimed.

"No, that was about as much as I know, with some bits and pieces here and there," Pidge, as I now assume is their name, replied.

'What?! I could've continued to pretend I didn't understand them! Ah dammit, (y/n), you've foiled your own master plan,' I thought to myself. Realizing I was still sitting on the floor from when I fell, I began to stand up.

"So..." I began to say, "not to be rude, but... who are you all and where exactly are we?"



A/N: Hey sorry about the hiatus, but enjoy this sneak peak of the chapter to come soon~ Spring break starts 3/30, so perhaps sometime around then? Ooh, and don't forget about the bonus chapter that will come out after the rest of this chapter from the Paladins' point of view~ ;) Thanks for stickin' with me. Till next time cuties~

Oh, wow look at that old a/n from a year ago, my goodness it's been awhile. But hey, I've finally gotten around to editing this!



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