Christmas Special 2018

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Groaning, I begrudgingly lifted myself up, not ready to accept the fact that I had to wake up. 'I just wanted a little more sleep, what's wrong with that, brain?' I patted around my bed to find my phone, which decided to hide under the covers to my left. Raising it up near my face, I checked what time it would've been back home. '5:42 a.m., huh? My internal clock must be real fucked up by now,' I thought to myself, sending a bored glance down to the date. 'December 24th... December 24th. DECEMBER 24TH, HOLY SHIT IT'S CHRISTMAS TOMORROW!'

It was Christmas Eve and I wasn't going to be caught not getting ready for it! I flung my covers off of me and got ready how I normally did, tripping over my own feet multiple times because of the rush I was in. I clumsily threw on my paladin armor, fixing it on the way down to my lion's hangar. I took the long way around because I didn't want to risk running into anybody on the bridge. Afterall, this was going to be my own Christmas surprise.

'Wait, no, bad idea. They'll look for me if I don't tell them that I'm leaving.'

Spinning around, I jogged back the way I came and headed for the bridge. Upon arriving, I was met with the sight of both Coran and Allura already at the helm.

"Hey Coran, hey Allura, I'm heading out to do some errands, OK? Bye!" I didn't give them time to respond as I went down the elevator that led me on that long, convoluted ride to the hangar. I quickly hopped into Rossa and sped off with her.

"Okay, first thing on the Christmas check list is to get a Christmas Tree. Hey Rossa, you think you can get us to the nearest plant-inhabited planet?" I heard a low, warm rumble come from her as a response. "I'm gonna take that as a 'yes.' Well then, let's go! Allons-y!"

It didn't take long before Rossa landed us both on a planet that was covered in snow. I didn't realize how much I had missed the cold powder until I lowered the ramp of my lion and saw it coming down in gentle flurries. I didn't even think twice before I ran down and jumped, belly flopping into the snow with my limbs spread like a starfish. I was extremely grateful when it turned out there was enough snow to cushion my jump, not to mention that it wasn't snow-covered ice. Lifting myself up a couple seconds later, I brushed the snow off my armor and began to trudge through it in search of a Christmas tree. The snow came up to my mid-calf, so I had to do high-knees to travel more efficiently. Thank god the others weren't here because I could tell I looked ridiculous.

'There's nothing but normal trees; what were they called? Deciduous? I need a conifer- a good ol' pine tree. Or a space pine tree, I guess.'

The trees around me were bare of any leaves, their bark ranging in colors from a deep blue to a bright red. And then I saw it. It was similar to a pine tree, but its bark was a dark blue, and its needles were periwinkle. Brushing my hand over the needles, they didn't seem to be as prickly as the ones back on earth, but then again, I was still wearing my suit. Equipping my bayard, I quickly sliced through the trunk of the tree before stepping to the right a little bit as if began to fall over.

"Timber!" I called out to absolutely nobody as the tree crashed into the snowy ground, making a 'thwhump' sound. "Now then," I said as I put my bayard away and brushed the imaginary dust off my hands. "Let's get this bad boy back to the castle." I approached the tree and wrapped my arms around it, hoisting it up. It didn't budge. "Well... I didn't think this through, did I? Umm... Hey Rossa! If you can hear me, can you get over here please?!" I waited for only about a minute before Rossa landed a few feet away from me. "Thank you, Rossa. Now to get this tree on board... Hey Rossa, lower the ramp for me, will ya?" With a low rumble, she lowered the ramp as I contemplated on how to get the tree on board.

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