I'd like to clean up the blood and get some pants on, please and thank you

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"Everybody up! Zarkon's attacking!"

"FU—" I was abruptly cut off by faceplanting into the floor beside my bed. "Ow, fuck... The emergency alarm was not how I was expecting to wake up today..." I muttered to myself, rubbing my sore nose, sniffling a little. 'Wait, sniffling?' "Am I..." I put my fingers up to the base of my nose, "Am I bleeding?" I felt something wet on my fingers, so I pulled back, only to be met with the sight of blood on the tips of my fingers. "Look at this!"* I said, gesturing to nobody at all, "I'm bleeding! Ah, dammit," I tilted my head back and pinched my nose to try and stop the bleeding. 'I don't think this is what you're supposed to do when you have a nosebleed, but it works. Oh yeah, the siren—Almost forgot.'

"Go, go, go! We need Voltron now!" Now recognizing it as Allura's voice on the com system, I quickly got off my ass and ran out of my room, still pinching my nose. Sprinting down the hallway, I tried my best not to get lost or run into walls because I knew I was prone to doing those. "Hurry! We can't survive much longer!" Allura's voice shouted again. Making various turns down passageways, I hoped that I had grown accustomed to the castle enough (despite being there for only a day) to get me to the bridge. I came close to running into a few walls because I couldn't see very well with my arm in my face, trying to hold the blood in. I just gave up after the third close call and let go of my nose. 'I might get blood on my face, but it's better than running into a wall and damaging my nose further.'

"Oh, no! Allura is dead!" I heard Coran's voice over the intercom, just as I approached a set of doors. Entering them, I recognized the area as the bridge where Coran and Allura were at. "Aw, it's horrible! Her head fell off!" Coran's theatrics continued. I noticed I was one of the last to arrive, Shiro, Keith, Pidge, and Hunk having gotten there before me. I casually strolled up to them, standing next to Hunk, pinching my nose again. "Wait! What? Her severed head is trying to speak to me! What is it, Allura's head? What are your final words?" Coran was on his knees, crocodile tears in his eyes.

"Coran," Allura pointedly said to get his attention.

"Oh, yes, Princess, I'm listening," He said towards the ground, where the supposed 'severed head of Allura' was.

"It's over," she said as the alarm turned off, and then faced us.

"Oh, I know!" Coran stilled continued his act and groaned in fake despair mixed with sorrow? "If only Voltron had been formed," He then saw us, "Oh! Time!" He shouted as he got back up onto his feet, throwing the machine he was talking to behind him.

"I guess this isn't an actual attack," Shiro said, as Pidge rubbed their eyes tiredly.

"And it's a good thing it wasn't because it took you..." Allura looked to Coran for and answer, "Coran?"

"Seventy-five degrees," Coran said, looking at a small device, "Oh, sorry. No, this is a meat thermometer," Coran said with a sheepish smile on his face. Allura just deadpanned.

"However long it was, it was too long," Allura started to approach the five of us, "You must always be ready to do battle with Zarkon. Look at you! Only Shiro is in uniform. Keith, Pidge, Hunk, (y/n), where are your bayards? And (y/n), why aren't you wearing any pants?!"

"Um, I- uh, I-I don't wear pants to bed. I only-" I said nasally, but was cut off by a yawn, "I usually wear oversized T-shirts like this one," With my unoccupied hand, I gestured to my shirt which hung a bit off my shoulder and came down a little past my mid-thigh. Allura gave me a strange look and shook her head in disbelief.

"And where is Lance?" And speak of the devil, as soon as she finished, Lance came through the door, donned with lion slippers and a robe, holding a cup of water or something. Damn, those slippers look comfy. I was reminded of my bare feet and a shiver went up my spine as I finally realized how cold the floor was.

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