Space Capri Suns are Team Mom Approved

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"Now the most important part of paladin training is being able to meld your minds and focus on one thing: Voltron," Coran's voice echoed throughout the training deck once again. The other paladins and I were sitting cross-legged in a circle in the center of the room, facing each other, with these strange devices on our heads. "Everything else has to fade away."

'So, we're doing some kind of meditation thing, but we meld our minds together? This is confusing. And aren't you supposed to clear your mind during meditation? I guess that's what Coran just said... Which means I'm in trouble because my head is always full of thoughts. Like right now. And how I don't want to do this. My mind in my own personal, private palace. Someplace sacred, where I can be alone with my thoughts. The only place where I can feel truly safe to be myself. My home. I don't like the thought of other people rummaging through it, invading me and my privacy, learning all my secrets... I'm an introvert, for heaven's sake! I enjoy my alone time. And although my mind may not always be pleasant, especially when I'm all on my lonesome, there are still the good times and the good thoughts where I feel content wen it's just me and my thoughts. It's when I can finally relax, free of pressure... Wait are we starting?'

"Now focus on forming your lion," I heard Coran's voice again.

'Oh, okay, alright. Lion time,' and with that I focused on Rossa and creating her form in my mind's eye.

"Bring your lions together and form Voltron. Keep your minds open, work together. Good!"

Seeing my lion for in my mind, I began to mover her towards the others, following Coran's instructions. I don't like the feeling of the other people's presence in my head. It's a strange and alien sensation. You feel a little light-headed, and your brain feels like a malleable putty that holds its shape after you move it- sturdy but moves when influenced.

"Keep focusing! Only one to go!"

"Pidge, stop thinking of your girlfriend!" Keith reprimanded. I kept my eyes closed and continued to focus on building Voltron.

"I wasn't!" Pidge retaliated, and caused the image of Voltron to vanish. Aww, and we were so close, too. "Hunk was rooting around in my head!"

"I-I thought we were open," Hunk responded back. "You can look in my head hole."

"Everyone has to be able to look in everyone's head holes! Clear your minds!" Coran scolded.

'But, I don't want them to look in my head hole... Alright, (y/n), clear your mind and protect your thoughts by blocking them with something obscure, like... like... Two eyes in the dark! Yeah, that should do it. Two eyes in the dark... two eyes in the dark...' And with that, we began to form Voltron with our mind lions again.

"Good!" I heard Coran encourage us. "Almost there. Now form Voltron." And with that, our mind lions began to change shape, forming into Voltron. "Yes!" Coran cried out, but the green lion disappeared right as he said that.

"Pidge!" Lance called out.

"Rrh, I'm done with this!" Pidge yelled out, yanking off the headset, shooting up, and throwing it on the ground. I looked up, a bit startled at the sudden outburst of anger. "Look, I don't like everyone grubbing around in my head!"

"Oh, come on, Pidge, we're starting to get the hang of this," Shiro pleaded with Pidge, trying to convince them to settle down.

"I'm just... I'm just tired, okay?" Pidge glanced at Shiro from the corner of their eye.

"Okay. Let's take a break," Shiro said, looking at the rest of us.

Getting up, I went over and sat down next to Pidge, who had sufficiently calmed down and sat on their knees. Placing a hand on their shoulder, I smiled at them and spoke with a voice barely above a whisper. "Hey, you doin' alright?"

Perpendicular: The Beginning (Voltron x reader)Where stories live. Discover now