War's Acquaintance

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Now in my paladin gear, I spent the remaining time we had nervously pacing around the bridge as we were encroaching on Zarkon's central command. You know, what's probably the most dangerous place within the next million square lightyears. Fuck, this is gonna be a disaster, I just know it! Oh, this is bad; this is really really bad. I'm gonna die. We're all gonna fucking die. These reckless, no-fear-of-death dumbasses are gonna fly right into Zarkon's central command like they're the twin towers. Don't these kids realize that they're not indestructible and this is a goddamn death wish?!

"Everyone, eyes front." Shiro's voice startled me out of my anxious thoughts, stopping me in my place by bringin my attention on him and Coran at the front of the bridge. "We've got a plan to get Allura. We're going to jump to the heart of the enemy, unseen and undetected."

"I thought we needed Allura to open up a wormhole," Pidge indirectly asked.

"It's true that Allura powers the Castle's ability to travel through wormholes; However, I think we have enough of her residual essence stored in the system to make one jump," Coran explained. "We'll hid the Castle here, inside one of these giant gas planets in Zarkon's command system. The gas is so dense, we'll be hidden."

'Wait... the Castle can absorb people's essence? That sounds like a possible disaster waiting to happen. Does that mean it can drain my essence? If I spend too much time here, will it leave me an empty, soulless husk? No, (y/n)! We cannot fall into a panic attack now! Just focus your mind on the thought that after this, maybe you can convince everyone to let you make a quick pit stop on Earth to stock up on chocolate and other snacks. Ooooh, how I love snacks.'

"From there, we'll use the Castle to scan for Allura on Zarkon's ship and attack before Zarkon knows what hit him," Shiro spoke with the authority of a seasoned commanding officer.

"There's only one hiccup," Coran warned. "We have enough energy to wormhole in, but, without Allura, we won't have enough energy to wormhole out."

"It doesn't matter. We're not leaving without her."

I stood next to Shiro at the front of the bridge, gripping his hand to try and help stave off my incoming anxiety attack. He didn't ask or really acknowledge it. He just squeezed my hand in what I took as reassurance and didn't let go as we prepared to jump. We weren't in the tunnel for even a minute before we left it, arriving in a cloud of red, pink and purple gas.

"We're here," the tone in Shiro's voice told us that there was no turning back now. It was time to fight. We all moved over to Coran and gathered around his station.

"I'm detecting Allura's energy signature," Coran said as he zoomed in on the specific part of the giant structure where Allura was most likely at. "From this distance, the signal's pretty weak, but she's somewhere in Zarkon's main ship.

"Gives us a starting point." Was that... was that Keith trying to be optimistic?

"Once we get closer, we'll be able to narrow down the location where the princess is being held."

"Okay, guys, this is it," we all turned to Shiro, waiting for his instructions. "Voltron is going to come in fast and without warning. We'll smash our way into Zarkon's ship and grab the Princess. Before they know what hit them, we'll have the Princess and be on our way."

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