Space Whale

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I followed Keith and Lance down into one of the mind shafts, taking my little hovercar thing that was in my lion since the tunnels were too narrow for our lions. We rode down in silence and hopped out of our hovercars once we saw the hangar filled with fighter ships slightly below us. Sliding down to get a closer look, it almost appeared to be void of life.

"The entire hangar's only being guarded by a few sentries," Keith observed. He took out his bayard, about to charge in. "Let's go!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Cool your jets, Keith!" Lance grabbed Keith by his shoulder and pushed him back down. Keith pouted, and he just looked so much like a toddler I almost shrieked in laughter. "Don't you remember all that stuff about this Balmera thing being a sensitive animal?"

"Oh, right," Keith looked a little embarrassed about his little mess up.

"Yeah, so we can't just blow things up like a psycho."

"Oh, you got a better idea?" Keith challenged, not liking Lance's attitude.

"I do," Lance pointed to a room on the opposite side of the hangar. "We sneak into the control room to shut down the bay doors; that'll trap the ships in," he had the smuggest look on his face because he knew he was right.

"That..." Keith began to argue, but cut himself off, "actually is a better idea."

"Alright, now if you two are done bickering like an old married couple, let's get a move on," I said, earning an offended 'hey!' from both of them, but I was already ahead of them and didn't bother looking back. I heard their footsteps behind me as we snuck across to the other side, walking across one of the nearby catwalks that lead directly to the area above the control room.

"Alright, I'm going to cut down into the control room; follow my lead," Keith said as we reached the end of the catwalk.

Lance had something to say in protest, but I put my finger in front of my mouth and shushed him because I knew he was going to be loud and we couldn't allow anyone to discover our location. Immediately after getting off the catwalk, Keith took out his bayard, about to cut through the ceiling.

"No, no. It's over here," Lance redirected Keith to another part of the ceiling.

"I know what I'm doing," Keith ignored Lance, stabbing right through the ceiling, cutting out a circle shape.

Lance proceed to jump onto the now cut-out circle, causing it along with himself to slam down into the control room, landing with a loud 'clank.' Keith hopped down after him; I jumped down afterwards, trying not to shriek from the weird tingly feeling shooting up from my feet to my knees when I landed.

"Keep an eye out for those guards," Lance said while he inspected the control panel in front of him. "I'll see if I can find a way to shut the hangar doors.

Keith walked over to the window while I stared at the control panel next to Lance.

"I can't read any of this," I commented, seeing nothing but foreign characters littering the screen.

"Uh...hmm. Nope. Maybe. Uh..." Lance began muttering to himself, trying to figure out what he was supposed to do. He started pressing some buttons at the bottom of the screen, but nothing happened. He groaned in frustration. "I don't know what I'm doing here. It's all Galra gibberish."

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