Yo we did the thing! Y'know. The THING.

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We were all in front of a large door that presumably led to a larger hangar, I think? Well, it looked larger than my own hangar. Getting out of my lion, I followed suit and stood in front of the large door just like the others. Except for Shiro, that is. He stood a few meters in front of us, facing said huge door. It held the same marking as the v-shaped pattern on my armor, along with two vertical lines connecting it to the bottom of the door. One by one, all the lions' eyes lit up, the door's pattern lighting up in tandem. The door then lifted, revealing the black lion behind it which then roared. Why? I'm not sure, but the rest of the lions roared not a second later. I jumped a bit, hearing Rossa roar from behind me, but I won't admit that I was surprised to the others. I jumped again when alarms started blaring all around us.

"Sendak is entering the Arusian atmosphere," Allura said over the intercom. "We need Voltron Now!"

'Voltron? Oh right! Voltron—that thing I still don't know how to do because I didn't see anything. Back into the Lion I go then,' I thought to myself as I clambered back up into my lion, only stumbling over my feet once, which I count as a win on my part because I am in a very stressful and disorienting situation right now since we are under attack and I'm about to DIE! Oh, wouldja look at that, I'm already in my seat, and my lion is on autopilot again. Guess I should grab the handles and actually try to pilot this lion. Like a responsible parent—I mean pilot. Just because you gave them a nickname, doesn't mean you are their parent, (y/n). You also can't assume their gender. That'd be very rude- FUCKKK THERe was an explosion RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME; I forgot I was in the middle of a battle. Okay (y/n), get your head in the game- Don't think about High School Musical right now either. Just, focus.

"Man, those Galra guys repair things fast," I heard Hunks voice come from my helmet. Guess there's a radio installed in it. Cool. I wonder if I can use it to play music? Hmm...

"The barrier gets weaker with every blast," Coran's voice replaced Hunk's. Oh, so I didn't suffer from a direct hit to the face. Good... I've really got to start paying attention. "Once that shield goes down, the castle will be defenseless," Coran continued.

"I can give you cover with the castle defenses for a while," now it's Allura in my helmet. "But you have to form Voltron now or we'll all be destroyed!"

"Jeez, no pressure," Hunk again.

"Um... not to be rude or anything, but how exactly do we form Voltron?" I muttered out, getting quieter with every word. I hope to dear lord that they didn't explain it while I was lost in my thoughts or else I'm going to seem like a dumb... um... something... I'll just look really dumb and irresponsible. Oh, I hope that vision I was supposed to have didn't show how to form Voltron because then I'd be in a really strange and awkward situation, and I don't want that right now.

Allura didn't have a chance to respond due to the barrier being hit with another purple beam, causing another explosion. A loud one at that. I heard everyone grunting from sudden rush of atmospheric pressure in my ears. So, my ears have been thoroughly assaulted today.

"Listen up, Team Voltron!" I heard Shiro shout. "The only way to succeed is to give it all you've got! This looks bad, but we can do this! Are you with me?"

"Mm-hm," I hummed out in affirmation. Silence. Nobody else said anything. Was I not supposed to say anything either? Ah dammit, you screwed up again, (y/n).

"I'm nodding. Is everyone else nodding?" Hunk asked. A solid 'yes' was heard from everyone else. Oh, good. I didn't screw up. Okay.

"Let's do this!" Shiro shouted, launching his lion off the ground and up into the air, everyone else's lions following suit. I did the same.

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