I can drive a car, but I was never taught how to fly a lion.

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'Y'know, if I bled a teeny bit more, it could've looked like I was a vampire who just bit somebody...but who would I bite? Hmm... Well, that's a thought for another day,' I thought to myself before finally washing the blood off my hands and face. "Alright, let's go fly a lion," I said to myself in the mirror, trying to reassure myself by making a determined fist (It didn't really do anything). With that, I put on my suit and made my way to the bridge, where there was another door of sorts that lead to my lion.

Approaching the door Allura had referred to earlier, it opened as soon as I approached it, much like the other doors in the castle. Inside was a circular platform with railing on the left and right, but not on the front and back. It was long enough where if I laid down, I don't even know if I would be taller than it. So, without knowing what else to do, I stepped on it, then turned to face the door, much like I would in an elevator, because I assume that's was this was. If it's like some Perry the Platypus tube, I will scream and never use it again. The platform lowered, revealing a tunnel of whites and grays with lavender highlights with a handlebar on the ceiling in front of me. Not knowing what else to do, I jumped up to grab it. As soon as I took hold of it, I shot down the tunnel like a zipline but without the safety precautions.

"WAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHluigi fuck-don't let go, don't let go, don't leT GOOOO!" I screamed as the zipline came to a sudden stop, flinging me off into a tube of some sorts. I continued to scream as I fell until I landed in the seat of a purple and blue hovercraft of some sort. 'Okay, how to I drive this? There are two joystick-like handles, so I guess I grab them and push?' I did so and the vehicle moved forward. 'Okay, we're doin' good, (y/n). We'll just follow this to the end of the tunnel. At the end there was an empty room. I let go of the handles because I didn't want to drive into the wall, and I was startled when the floor jolted and began moving upwards into a large, empty, gray room with purple accented lights. 'This is actually pretty cool.'

The platform stopped when it reached yet another platform, which turned out to be the hangar of the purple lion. Getting out of the vehicle, I approached my lion, "Heya, Rossa. Ya ready for some practice with the others because I'm sure not," I said, placing my hands on my hips. Rossa didn't move. "Yeah, yeah, I know I have to be more 'socially active' and create more 'social links' so that I'll be less socially inept. Well, maybe I like being a recluse sometimes. Sometimes it's nice to be alone with my thoughts. Other times, not so much... Ahh, enough of my rambling, let's get moving!" Rossa lowered her head and opened her mouth, allowing me inside. Sitting down in the pilot's seat, I just repeated what I did before: grabbing the handles and hoping for the best. Seeing the hangar open in front of me, I pushed the handles forwards, and Rossa began to make her way outside, a bit too fast at first, making me stumble over the controls a bit before adjusting the speed. I quickly made my way over to the other lions who were waiting several hundred meters away from the castle.

"Hey, I hope I didn't make you guys wait too long," I said, nervous I had irritated them.

"Don't worry, you weren't long at all," Shiro replied as he and everyone else turned their lions around to face the opposite direction of the castle. I walked my lion up to be a little behind the black lion. "All right, guys. Let's just fly in tight formation until we're totally in sync."

Allura's face popped up on a screen to my right, "Feel the bond with your lions and your fellow pilots until five become one unit and you form Voltron!" Everyone except me let out a simultaneous 'yeah' and leapt up off the ground, shooting through the sky, me following right behind. While flying in formation, they all let out more synchronized 'yeah's, each less enthusiastic than the last.

'How the hell are they synching up their shouts at the same time? Are they telepathically linked or something? Why am I not included in this 'yeah'-ing?'

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